You need minions!
You need minions!
Yes. I love what you’ve done by creating The Recap Zone. I go there after I get around to watching the shows.
Makes me tempted to wonder how said unpaid authors could split off into a co-op to make few bucks here and there for it.
Ummm. Yeah. When I look for a recap, I look for the word “Recap.” With a phrase “Reaction Thread” or “Megathread,” I think the post is more like either a spoiler forum or very slow twitter feed sort of thing.
I have yet to see anyone officially say it, only via comments and rumours (so gigantic grain of salt covered in salt and next to a sign that says “hey Salt here, watch out!”), but supposedly since Giz officially took over they have been told to focus on stuff that brings in more traffic/uniques. To cut back on posts…
Rob, are you doing a recap for last week’s episode? We need it!
Yeah, what a wonderful means of torturing Rob.
Real recaps would be nice!
Glad to see another TV recap, thank you!
So a lot of genre show recaps got the axe, but we are still keeping around the tired “procedural drama with super smart lead” show? If so. Could we get Limitless recaps back?
From recaps to these garbage posts.
I saw that earlier today. Still makes me “Sad Pearl” that we’re losing some really good stuff. So here’s to some new good stuff!