The Reasonable Man

"Big Ship" by Brian Eno. It killed me every time I listened to it before I saw "Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl" and "The End of the Tour," and it's even more powerful after seeing when it's used in those movies.

I'm reading Hillbilly Elegy right now. I thought the book would be more of a 30,000 foot analysis of blue collar Appalachia, but it is more of a memoir. It's well-written and fairly interesting, although I don't understand why it's hyped as required reading for people who want to understand the rise of Trump.

Seeing "Operation Anthropoid" inspired me to re-read HHHH, which then led me to start reading "The Kindly Ones." I'm 300 pages into the Kindly Ones, and for better or worse, I think I will be a different person when I get through the remaining 675 pages.

Can someone transcribe Erlich's opening monologue? That may have been the greatest monologue since Hamlet.

I'm pretty disappointed. The Run the Jewels single was so badass, but at least half of this album sounds undercooked.

I was just about to buy the cd at Starbucks.

I really want to know who they'd cast as a real life Cheryl/Carol.

Selina looked like Jackie Kennedy and acted like LBJ. I couldn't be more enamored.

Cool beans.

Anyone else love the podcast but dislike the show? I think Scott's comedy works best when improvised, and seeing the characters on tv kind of ruins how I imagined them on the podcast.

"The ice bucket challenge did a great job raising awareness of whatever ALS is."

Yeah, his office was usually half-staffed at best because he burned through so many LA's and nobody wanted to work for him.

Yes, exactly. I worked on the Hill in the late 2000's, and I heard horror stories about working for Weiner. Only Jackson Lee and Sestak had a worse reputation on the D side. I still remember Weiner screaming at an aide to bring him a towel during the congressional baseball game in front of hundreds of people.

This is like a hip hop rainbow beaming out of my headphones.

I love Radiohead's new album, but Coloring Book is the perfect antidote to listening to the very, very gloomy Radiohead album all week. This is bursting with color and energy

Did she say this while drinking champagne in a bathtub?

Best Erlich episode since he blasted Sade for being "too baroque."

First impression: this is like a black and white sequel to the technicolor In Rainbows. Just as beautiful, but it has a very distinct vibe.

I love how the tracks are in alphabetical order yet each song flows perfectly into the next.

I wish RHCP would release instrumentals only albums. Flea/Will Ferrell are still a kickass rhythm section.