The Reasonable Man

I bet he's still having sex with supermodels and is super sad about it.

Can't say I expected to see a hardcore horse sex scene when I turned on Silicon Valley today.

Sinkholes are nature's trapdoors.

My life will be a little better now that Ben and Richard T. Splett are back.

That's terrible news. Certainly explains the delay.

For the love of God, when will the Wrens release their new album? It was supposed to come out last year, yet here we are.

I get that the terrible production on Raw Power is part of its charm, but it makes the album—as ass-kicking as it is—an exhausting listen.

I think it was a combination of the two factors. I probably gave many albums a long time to win me over even if I didn't like them initially because I spent $15 on the album and wanted to like it. Now I just skip a song I don't immediately like on Spotify.

I miss intimately knowing every track on every album I own. Spotify has opened up a whole spectrum of music I would never have otherwise listened to but the tradeoff is that I don't truly love music the way I did before.

So…I can't find it on Apple Music. Has it been taken down?

Famous/Feedback is a killer combo.

The Life of Pablo: An album about nothing.

Bring on the Pale Fire adaptation! Who should play Charles Kinbote?

I never knew getting naked for a fistfight was a thing. Love Dennis.

Just taking the opportunity to say that Matt Tong is one of the best drummers of the 2000's. Not sure how they could adequately replace him.

I'm plowing through Robert Massie's Russian Tsar biographies. I'm almost done with Peter the Great and will move on to Catherine when I am done.

The $10 a month I spend on Apple Muzak is probably my only monthly expense that doesn't make me feel crippling anxiety or guilt. I listen to music all day while I work, so I cannot imagine not having instant access to virtually every song ever recorded.


Yes, P & V's translations are certainly a lot better than Garnett's (from what I've read of both). I liked Crime and Punishment a lot, although I think much of the plot devoted to Raskolnikov's sister and her marriage could have been edited down.

I got around to reading Ulysses in 2014. I enjoyed reading it more than I expected to. Some chapters are as difficult as you'd expect, but most of it is enjoyable and brilliant. It's certainly more digestible than Gravity's Rainbow.