The Reasonable Man

Wait, I thought Russian lit was all about lighthearted optimism?

I want to do a deep dive into Russian lit. I've read Anna Karenina and Crime and Punishment before, and now I want to tackle Chekhov, War & Peace, Dead Souls, Bros Karamozov, and maybe some Pushkin. This will certainly take a lot of time, but it should be worth it.

I don't think he's mentioned anywhere in all these comments, but I have to say that Len-Brendan's original public defender—is right up there with the high talker in the unspoken competition to be the biggest shithead in the show. He seems evil AND 100% oblivious.

Yoko and the Oh No's.

This article made me want to listed to Hell Hath No Fury again for the first time in years. Thanks for the reminder.

Homer successfully gets into politics by promising to do things he can't possibly do? I wonder if this sounds like anyone currently running for the GOP nomination…

Definitely. The writing is beautiful once you get used to it, and I've never read a book that does a better job of capturing the ebb and flow of history.

I reread the last chapter at least 10 times and I still don't know what happened in the jakes. I suppose that was the point.

I plowed through Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman empire earlier this year. The last few volumes were tough going because I had no prior knowledge of Byzantine history.

I was unemployed for a stretch last year, and in a few weeks of temporary insanity or ambition I read Gravity's Rainbow and Ulysses back to back. Ulysses is difficult, of course, but Gravity's Rainbow is insane. The last 1/3rd of that book was like a fever dream.

Yeah, definitely true 8-10 years ago.

Adele's music is the perfect soundtrack for waiting in line at Starbucks.

15 years with some guac on top.

I never heard of this chap until I heard him on this week's Comedy Bang Bang, but I was very impressed with his bantering skills. He made Hot Saucerman giggle the whole time.

BAAAAAAAAA I'm not sick, but I'm not welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Maynard: quit your wineing and get your music on Spotify or Apple Music.

I saw The Boss play this live last year with Tom Morello. I can't listen to the album version without missing Morello's fantastic guitar solo. I thought Bruce was crazy for having Morello tour with him, but man, he adds a new dimension to a lot of Bruce's songs.

Atlas Shrugged Part IV: Paul Ryan Becomes Speaker

Corgan's always had amazing taste in drummers. Chamberlain is great, of course, but so was that kid who played on Oceania album, and Tommy Lee was awesome on the new album.

I instantly smile whenever I hear the muffled intro to 1979. Such an amazing song.