he what????
he what????
I just want to say that this graf
You are correct
So by now we all know these questions had to do with Bob Kraft, and it seems like the idea that someone related to the NFL might somehow be implicated was circulating as rumor.
So yeah, it’s probably some 86-year-old heiress who thinks New York is the center of the universe but hasn’t even bothered to venture past the Holland Tunnel.
god damn that’s good.
three now
Gordon’s not on his rookie deal, he was extended by Cleveland this past offseason.
nevermind, saw your later response
His vision now no longer involves a Skate instead of a car.
Don’t forget the favorite fallback of AT LEAST HE’S TRYING TO IMPROVE THE WORLD!
there were some soft ones, sure — definitely one of the DPIs; probably one of (but surely not all of!) the four (!) offensive holds — but that’s gonna happen in any game.
That 14 penalties was “the most since 2014" really sells short how much of an anomaly the game last night was. Belichick-helmed Patriots teams have only committed more than 12 penalties in a game twice before lat night: that 2014 game vs. Minnesota and a 2003 game in Denver.
sounds like you do know what it was supposed to say
You know there are levels of seniority between “intern” and “executive,” right?
It’s not 2009 anymore, where some coach’s idiot nephew gets to pad his resume by shitposting on twitter. Marketing divisions, from startups to fortune 500 companies, usually have an entire arm devoted to social media, ideally with an intentional voice, style guidelines, etc.
I don’t know if the nfl causes a team to forfeit a challenge if the coach tries to challenge something that isn’t reviewable,
He didn’t lose the challenge, though, because there was no challenge, because he wasn’t actually allowed to challenge. He “tried” to challenge, and the Referee informed him that he was not allowed t do so. The penalty for that mistake is laid on in the rulebook: