There Are No Teams

...that’s, like, the only way deadass is used.  how have you seen it used otherwise?

show me a gif with sound

Right, got it. That’s what I thought. But that’s still for the Chiefs in a vacuum, no? How do you account for there being 32 concurrent trials of 12 running (or, I guess, 16? since immediately following Week 1 half the league would have lost).

You are right, and I am wrong. I misread what the pfref table was showing (though the fact that something that had “1 in 128" odds of happening each season instead seemed to happen once per season should have set off alarms on that front).

Yea, I was playing DnD the other day and we decided to “rest” until nighttime in a building in an occupied city while the guards outside looked for us. The DM used a mechanism we all thought was pretty low odds — he’d roll a 12-sided die 12 times, and if the die returned the number of the trial (i.e. if he rolled a 1

It’s worth pointing out that though the Chiefs winning 12 straight coin tosses has a 0.0244% chance (1 in 4096) of happening, the chances of any team winning 12 in a row is much higher — more like 0.78125%, or 1 in 128.​That’s rare enough to raise eyebrows, but not exactly the astronomical odds it seems like at first

Was it Edgefield Bar and Grill? Because as a guy who’s (mostly) outgrown his love affair with dive bars, arriving there to find it exactly what I wanted in a dive, including that I could smoke (inside!), brought quite a wave of nostalgia when I was down there on business a few months back. Haven’t had to return since

It’s a fair question!

Officially, the Republic of Ireland refers to the city as Derry. Road signs point to Derry. News media refers to Derry. Derry residents who elect, under the Good Friday Agreement, to carry a ROI passport, can also elect to display their place of birth as Derry.

This is a great piece — particularly the graf comparing McClean and Kaepernick should just shut up and be thankful. I visited Ireland in 2014 and was surprised at the level of fortification still present in Belfast (particularly the armored police cars and “Peace Wall” separating Shankhill and Falls Road), before

Isn’t this law “if you run ads for one candidate, you must run ads for all candidates? Is NBC currently running ads for John Delaney? Because if they aren’t, can’t they simply say, “We won’t air that ad at this time, since we are not currently airing ads for the presidential election?”


As per the article, it seems like they’ll get around to it about 40 years ago.

What’s with that no-fun photog swatting beers out of the sky?

oh fuck no now i get it duh

sorry, must be a different guy who grew his hair out after a devastating comparison to a human blobfish

A vendor I work for once sent me an email, 100% apropos of nothing, that said “I finally placed who I think you look like — Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz!”

You missed empty platitudes about “division” and “coming together as a nation.

What rule says you can’t touch a long-snapper at all? As near as I can tell this penalty is called off Article 7(a)(12) and 7(b)(1), which reads (emphasis mine):