There Are No Teams

for what it’s worth, that kind of “negotiating” with your children is universally considered bad parenting and tends to lead towards unhealthy — but deeply ingrained! — perception of foods in adulthood (i.e. that vegetables are bad, vile foodstuffs to be tolerated only in order to “earn” dessert, the one true food)

I still think he may be working on a way to transfer consciousness from human to host

a mixed drink is one (1) booze, one or two (1) or (2) mixers, and ice.

putting $20 in whenever the gauge hits half will wind up with you stopping 4x as frequently but paying 1/4x as much each time. it’s been a minute since 3rd grade math but i believe that 4 * 1/4 = 1.

M​aybe you should look at a calander, I didn’t double count sunday, my two weeks started and ended on sunday, exactly 14 days.

which you can tell because the pink ranger has a skirt and the yellow ranger does not

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.

yea, i mean... andy dalton made $15.7 last year. brandon weeden and mark sanchez made $1m and $2m respectively.

you know that players aren’t obligated to live in the same town that the team plays, right, and that a suddenly-obscenely-wealthy 21-year-old would likely elect to live in new york city over northern jersery?

The difference between #1 QB and #4 QB in this draft was the difference between #1 overall pick and #10 overall pick, or $15.1m over the course of the rookie deal.

Total value of rookie deals for each QB:

define “woman:”

gymnastics isn’t an obvious counter-example; men’s gymnastics and women’s gymnastics are functionally different sports (like men’s and women’s lacrosse).

good thing i called it a moral gray area and not legal gray area, then

one of the values of sport is to level the playing field when someone is born with an advantage?

only if their time is worth nothing.

yea, no shit. if you read my comment again you’ll notice at no point do i recommend single-sourcing your entertainment from pay-per-rental services. my counterpoint was to the argument that those services have holes in their libraries.

true, but that sounds more like the exception than the rule. and once you factor in the convenience cost of rentals being available instantly, and not taking up physical space, and offering a much broader library than whatever you’ve already been able to find for under $5 and already bought, it tends to shift the

the ambiguity is actually whether or not it’s theft