There Are Four Lights

Serious question: does ANYONE still consider JJ Abrams’ involvement in a project in anyway a positive thing?

It was the latter.  shellandflame heard what they wanted to.

Buffy was that great though.  It’s Joss who wasn’t.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in print anywhere. I just know several failed/former actors who where in LA from 2000-2006.

I’ve heard the Hannigan rumor many times from people who worked in LA around those years.

Yeah, I’ve been hearing rumors for years and years, including of Whedon sleeping with an actress on Buffy (which his life later seemed to confirm, if I recall). And the treatment of Carpenter was pretty well known amongst his fan community (which I considered and still consider myself a part of... I was active on


Am I the only one who thinks he’s not Pietro from any universe, but actually just Mephisto in a disguise?

Yes, you are correct.  There is very little interest in “accurate reporting” around here, or anything approaching that as near as I can tell.

...Except for Whedon directed all the reshoots on Justice League, so he’s done also done that.

The Tom Cruise picture sold it for me. Once I saw that, I got what he was doing (or what he thought he was doing). And it was a pretty good version of the creepy Cruise smile.

Oh, it’s a bad movie, for sure. All of them are pretty cheesy.

Apparently?  Though I assure you that was not my doing.  The fact that they let me out of the greys alone was kind of a miracle.  Notifications seems like way more power than anyone should let me have.

This. It’s an homage to the sitcoms of the 70's (this episode), where they were doing a lot more pro-woman/pro-feminist messaging where possible.

Karate Kid III’ is bad” is a sizzling hot take, my friend. Kudos for being so bold.

Ideas like this are why you should be able give more than one star to a post for sure.  Kudos.  Truly, Terry Silver is the worst of us.

Yeah, I feel like you were either too old to be the target audience at the time, or you’re looking at it through the wrong (adult) lens now.  Cobra Kai is way over the top, but they were awesome villains for what this movie/franchise is/was.

It’s because Kevin Feige fucking hated those shows.

This is only 9 duos, not 10?