There Are Four Lights

The way they tricked us into accepting Behrad as having always been on the team was like a Jedi mind trick

oh 100% every character that moved to Legends from another series was improved.

Love Wally but he has the Speedster issue in that he’s too powerful. Which usually results in writing them like morons.

I’m following Felicia Day and we’re actually doing a project together. I’ve been collecting her nail clippings and hair for a few years now and almost have my little shrine we’ve been putting together completed.

I had been skeptical of Fisher’s cryptic claims, and I do think what’s been aired out has great worth. The idea that Whedon has had a successful career that has been mired in his joy over objectifying and ruining the careers of women and POC, all while maintaining an image of being the archon of progressive

I prefer The Money Pit.

Helps convey the confusion I feel for the previous statement. Emotions are hard to convey via text.

i would sacrifice every character on The Walking Dead to zombies to get one more season of Whiskey Cavalier

Negan’s “Well, shit” after Maggie walks right by him in the pre-credits sequence was maybe the best possible way to reintroduce her to everything that’s gone down in her absence.

If your familiarity with the character is limited to the films and the 90's cartoon are you really in a place to judge?

Can't wait for the day Disney has all the Spidey rights.

Martian Manhunter is not mind-blowing. What’s mind-blowing is “Booster Gold being mistaken for the Green Lantern in a homage to that one JLU episode.”

The show’s...not doing the pandemic. It’s mentioned in this post as context about our reality.

Yeah, this somehow looks better than it has any right to be while also just being schlocky gore and punching. 

Did i hear an orchestral remix of the 95 theme?

Your profile name and pic is very appropriate for your sentiment. :D 

Was it a "pandemic day" or a "quarantine inspired staycation?"

She says “quarantine-style staycation” which has nothing to do with a pandemic (or *the* pandemic). Writers probably thought it would be topical but being in quarantine isn’t anything new as of 2020. There really isn’t anything that needs addressing.

Yeah, it’s been around, I just couldn’t remember where I heard it and didn’t want to attribute it incorrectly.