Vajayjay Leno

Yeah, the hierarchy of awesome Deathsstroke goes:

Ohhhhh. He was fine.

Yeah, but profits are significantly less from foreign BO, and having 75% of your take coming from outside the US is a Problem when your domestic isn't even going to come close to meeting your production budget.

Apparently this dude was in Homecoming? I saw that 3 days ago and have no idea who he was or what he did. But good for him on landing this gig!

It does, actually. I mean, this movie still made a killing in China, but said killing was significantly less than the genocide of the last one. This phrasing is problematic and I wish I had chosen a different metaphor but it's too late now.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to $30 million?


Yeah, the idea of an X-Men movie being made while Yul Brynner was alive is…I don't know what that would even look like. That's an insane idea.

If they had made this in the 90s, I guarantee it would've been a B-movie quality half-comedic superhero riff on Coming to America. It would not be respected. It would not be good.

Well, Ragnarok has the MCU's first(what the fuck!) female villain going for it at least.

I remember during the first season, the quiet moment between Robert and Cersei, reflecting on their marriage and asking why they hated each other so much. It was such a good moment, that didn't exist in the books because neither of them were POV characters at the time. The show has lost so much.

Patrick Stewart seems like the absolute most obvious Xavier ever.

Every movie needs its Tolkien white guys

WHY [clap] WAS [clap] BASSETT [clap] NOT [clap] STORM [thunder clap]

Helen Keller was an under the radar card for us until someone pulled it out on "Senseless"

I pull out the CAH cards for one thing and one thing only:

They also released a 'Period Pack' that comes in pad packaging and a little vial of blue dye to test the cards' absorbency.

CAH is a bad game that's not even bad because of the offensiveness, it's just not that smart of a game. Trying to be creatively bawdy in Apples to Apples is way more fun than CAH's "INSERT PUNCHLINE HERE" nonsense.

It's pretty patently making fun of "Bic For Her" type things.

The British literally invented a new accent to make sure people knew they were upper class!