oh poor Kelly Osbourne, public figure, getting a shitty fucking tattoo etched on her shaved head. She just wants to be left alone.
oh poor Kelly Osbourne, public figure, getting a shitty fucking tattoo etched on her shaved head. She just wants to be left alone.
maybe she won't be able to get a job because of it. I'm just kidding, when you have dad's money to get trust fund tattoos you can be punk as fuck.
it's a funny thing to call somebody's shitty sign they have etched on their head "unsolicited". What could be more solicited than that?
that was the entire point.
you're judging a kid who is having fun at a baseball game. When did you lose your humanity?
What is wrong with YOU is the question.
not sure this would work, how would CEO's buy the government they want at such a pittance?
i enjoy your characterization of oil as an uncontrolled free market. That's so cute.
he's not talking about having ceo's get paid less. He's talking about people who actually work getting paid more.
that's why Australian is a distopian police state. Cops have guns and their cityzens are disarmed. Also Benghatzi.
one of the grim ironies of guns everywhere because of our gun nuts is that it has created the police state it claims to prevent.
what is an exciting sport to you? And how do you define brutal?
we get it. You like 72 points and multiple concussions and people who literally become retarded. If we made every goal worth 6 points and every player have early onset Alzheimers would that do it for you?
well to be fair he kicked a fucking gimme goal straight to the goddamn keeper in the first half then turned-over a goal, but yeah aside from that he was pretty much average.
yeah i'll agree with you. It's not the effort that's lacking, it's the capability.
meanwhile, the top US scorer in history is doing shitty interviews from LA.
to be fair. This isn't surprise. This is sort of like expectation when we hoped we'd moved on.
how are there five seconds of stoppage time? Well, for one, Ronaldo has 75 fake ankle injuries. Any game that dude's playing you might as well add 5 minutes.
sort of. The idea is to fold back into an all defensive posture, maintain possession, kick the fucking shit out of bounds, do anything aside from what Bradley did.
exactly. This is the coach that chose Altidore over Donovan, so all bets are off.