
that was a great one-touch pass by Bradley.

It's funny, I had the opposite reaction. I was thinking to myself when I saw that +5 minutes go up oh shit now the US has the opportunity to really USMNT this shit all up.

The coaches are all shit. That's gonna take 20 years to fix. There's enough playing talent here now, one of them will make a fine coach someday then we'll win it.

seriously. What in the living fuck.

all that differential shit aside, that last 10 seconds was all classic US choke-above-all-else football. For those of you who are new to the game, this sorta shit is par for the course-our coaches can't close a fucking deal.

they add the time to make up for everybody faking injuries. Which happens every ten seconds nowadays.

you're not wrong, Same, you're just an asshole.

the lack of usage of light and heavy armor on OWS isn't proof of a lack of autocracy/oligarchy. You wan't to disprove either of those, show me video of a Tea Party whose signs promote open rebellion getting so much as a police warning, or better yet - show a TP member getting teargassed.

the way that cat's behaving the entire time is straight up bodyguard shit. Unbelievable video.

i hate that. Some people just don't learn until worst-case-scenario inevitably emerges and then they are all "WHHHHHHYYY?!!"

oh my god this rules.

TOI-LET. Blasted. (that's all I got)

quit after you get your next paycheck. Do it at a party in front of everyone and make sure to mention that you're doing it because she doesn't pay you well. Then go get another job or write a tell-all and sell it to a publisher for a couple years worth of the money you make now.

that poor poor racist

in all fairness I doubt she fucks him, she's just for show obviously.

they can call them the Grand Wizards.

that poor man was made raceist by his girlfriend! Obummer false flag

maybe his punishment should be to have an all white NBA team.

gotcha. That's sad that she has a job that not only doesn't pay enough to get her to your wedding, but also doesn't allow even the time to take off. Sign of the times I guess.

there's gotta be a market there somewhere for people who elope or are not interested in marrying at all. Just bill all your friends and family like 250 each and inform them they've dodged a bullet and thank them in advance.