
completely agree, but none of this institution is formed with any sense of reason or practicality. It's almost like the entire thing is based on some sort of rule that the more polar opposite to practicality the better.

couldn't you buy your sister's airfare?

yeah the rehearsal dinner is apparently one of the big things. They seem like they would be costly. When I went through my early-thirties invited to 10 weddings phase I generated an unshakable dislike of the entire wedding thing.

yeah but in questions of hypocrisy and irony they are the nation's foremost expert. I'm guessing they cancelled these accounts because they want a monopoly in the "bending you over and fucking you" business.

"But they should have the right to make a terrible business decision." And in Daimon's case every terrible business decision means bigger bonuses, win-win for quasi-morality and profit! USA! USA!

for the record, they will take your taxpayer money in handouts when they're in trouble, regardless of your chosen occupation. Morality has its limits, afterall.

i'd just sit down and kind of look at the menu and be all "hmm I'm looking for totally Xtreme and rockin, but also awesome - most of what I'm seeing here is clearly off-da-hook but can you or da krew recommend something for me because I'm clearly overwhelmed."

"these clip your shirt to your socks"

every zog sport league has that one team with those couple dudes ruining it for everybody. And zog does nothing about it ever because they like that money they pretend to be donating.

i wonder if all that dated quasi-hipster gear that girl is wearing came in a set.

i could be wrong on this but I believe you can tell a basic bitch by how trifling she is. The more trifling the bitch the more basic. That was my understanding.

that picture represents all that is hilarious

so what's the new Colonial Williamsburg?

most of what you said is absolutely true. But the Warrior wasn't "pretending", he was actually batshit insane and you should check out some of his amazing promo pieces for confirmation of that fact. They're hilarious.

his promo pieces are pure art.

the face of the devil destroying the flag and baseball and eagles and apple pie, and perhaps a sign about Benghatzi wich also burned?

exactly, all those people out there wanting to strike it rich easy by getting hit by Mack trucks is just another reason Obummer's gotta go.

how do you know the brakes failed, and that the victim shouldn't lawyer up? Even if the brakes did fail is it your opinion that people hit by cement mixers on accident shouldn't get legal counsel?

I'd pay to see the Cleveland Manticores.