
The problem is that you don’t get to decide what’s indie and what isn’t, Geoff.

More like 3 years later, if we’re being honest.

Honestly I found the easiest way to do this one was dual pulse guns, and dual shotguns. Pulse guns melt the shield almost instantly, shotgun pressure stuns the boss in just a few shots. Observe all attack pattern avoidance and you’re done. Even easier with a quad (or with a tread as previously mentioned). Use the

As someone with ~1000 hours in the original, the only thing about it that was garbage was the monetization model, which was explicitly pay 2 win quarterly as new mechs that could only be bought with real money (or grinded absurdly long times for) released. This died  down over time, until new real money only boosts

What a rollercoaster that was. I saw the title... *inner monologue*


Lol how about fucking no

Overwhelmingly accurate. It’s impossible to every get truly comfortable with a set group of heroes because you can rest assured they’ll play nothing in 6 months like they do today. It’s completely exhausting.

You can install the orchestral soundtrack from the ps2 version of DQ8 on the 3ds version, as well as re-introduce all of the Western-Censored outfits... in case you didn’t know. (Naturally this all requires cfw).

“Lots of people came”

Optical drive in 2016? I think you answered your own question.

As a Sennheiser fan, and owner of Hd 558, 598, and 600... The m50x will win. I’ve tried Momentums and unless you have a narrow head or small ears, there isn’t even going to be a question of which is better.

As a Sennheiser fan, and owner of Hd 558, 598, and 600... The m50x will win. I’ve tried Momentums and unless you

It’s.... so beautiful


He oh so casually flips the camera off no less than 4 times during that ad.

All of my yissss right here. Take it.

I mean, they can’t all be plebs that wear white and shoot like they’re blindfolded, mirite?


Sure, these should be options for those people who can’t take the difficulty, simply so it reaches a broader audience... but I don’t get it.

One could only hope.