therealquash ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

I get that you’re stuck on how gross the idea is but it’s infinitely preferable to testing on animals, which is a thousand times more disgusting. So...I guess I’m having a little trouble with the simple sentiment of “ew” here. The ethics outweigh the ew factor by about a million. I’m not a vegetarian who claims the


More altruistically than my initial selfish thought — burn victims? I believe they are doing something like that for that and other radical facial reconstructions.

You’re doing this reasoning in an incorrect chronological order:

Isn’t alimony based on the idea that lots of couples agree that the wife will stay home and raise the kids, so she’s at a major disadvantage trying to support herself in the event of a divorce, while the husband has been developing a career the entire time? I’m not saying she should get enough alimony to completely

Probably not to a reporter while you’re a member of Congress, though.

24 years and five kids? That’s a lot of digging, I hope the gold is worth it.

Peak Florida? As a native Floridian I’m offended. Nothing’s on fire, no one’s been stabbed over food, there’s NO trace of meth, and Wal-Mart isn’t even tangentially involved. PEAK FLORIDA, MY ASS.

So 5 children and 24 years of marriage = fuck-you-get-a-job-you-get-nothing ?

Being a hundredaire myself, I can really sympathize.

What possible difference could it ever make in your life, my life, or the lives of literally anyone else?

The plot thickens!

coming forward and being like “Hey, this famous person you guys think is so GREAT...she’s lying about her age and she wasn’t EVEN FUNNY” just makes you seem like a small, salty bitch. Like, this is not Talented Mr Ripley levels of deception.

She calls herself that so twig bitches like you don’t say it behind her back. /joke, from the movie.

No, it’s Becky.

OMG I’m actually a 100 year old mermaid formerly known as “CC Chalice”

Same, we are Hurley’s humans not his parents, his mum is a dog called Amber!

soooo I'm crying? your dog is PRECIOUS and so is this idea!

You made the cuter choice. LOVE IT.

I’m getting married THIS SATURDAY (which begs the question: why on earth am I on Jezebel with about a thousand last minute things to do? but I digress) and both of our dogs are in the ceremony. My dog is wearing a big bow and her dog is wearing a polka dotted bowtie which matches the other bowtie wearing members of