therealquash ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.

That’s not Jay caressing her cheek. That’s Puff’s hand his shoulder. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jay in a pinky ring.

What a great way of completely missing the point and making this article about a stupid girl and a stupid kid and not shedding any light on the horrific situation in which immigrants from Africa find themselves when trying to cross to Europe. This is a story about a little boy and his father desperately trying to make

It is softer language, perhaps subconsciously, which I think is aimed at eliciting sympathy.

The father was a resident of Spain, but his son was not. I’m sure he thought he was making the right choice to be able to raise his son in Spain, rather than Ivory Coast. Not to detract at all from how traumatizing it must have been for the little boy, but I think the context here is important, and it’s missing from

I thought the TSA Instagram account that was linked in the article would be like, “Oh, haha, look at the silly shit people try to get on planes with.” Only now I’m kinda terrified. Grenades?! Fucking grenades?!

Thank you so much for this! I was taken away from my mother when I was a child due to serious neglect. The apartment we were living in was condemned. She left, didn’t even try to get me back or see me. No phone calls, nothing. Just left while I wondered why. I got that we weren’t living right, didn’t understand the

My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.

You must not come here often.

I wish the pictures were AFTER the Outcomes. Not because of some suspense or anything like that, but because I’d love to read what the think while I stare at their faces. Maybe I am weird.

Proof of what though? Deflating? Inflating? It sounds like one of the guys would overinflate the balls to piss off Brady, which is hilarious. “Fuckin watermelons coming”

Ok so I need to thank Rihanna for introducing my to Guo Pei. Seriously, google her, her shit is amazing. BUT I can’t find a full shot of one of Guo Pei’s dresses and this thing is amazing I need to track down the full thing:

Okay, okay, I understand FKA Twigs is the new obsession but I just need to know one thing before I decide if I'm on board: can she close her mouth or no?

“Filmed by another woman across the street.”

The ACLU makes an app called mobile justice so you can record police encounters and immediately send to the ACLU if they come at you all crazy. It also has info on your rights and how to deal with police. Download it! Police the police!

+1 Butterfly in the sky

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

You should make Deep Cuts the best it has ever been next week because I just got a raise and I worked a ton of overtime that will be reflected on my paycheck next Friday and I need to feel the thrill of a deeply discounted new thing in my life.

I still can’t see drop-crotch pants as anything other than, basically, poopypants.

The regrettable influence of Justin Bieber.