Give it time. QAnon will be talking about the lizard people when they run out of things other to talk about.
Give it time. QAnon will be talking about the lizard people when they run out of things other to talk about.
“Coastal elites are bad!”, say the followers of a coastal elite from NYC
“I don’t have a guitar, or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ”
Sadly, even their most basic reasoning for supporting a candidate is “whataboutism” and trolling libs.
And has social skills.
God, it’s like trying to pull Nostrodamus quotes out of one of those videos where it seems like a pet is trying to talk. Even if you came up with something, it’s still a crock of shit.
some fundamental grievance or core theory that they desperately want affirmed
Reading all the stories from this makes me think I am on a bad acid trip, minus having never taken LSD.
Critical thinking really really reeeeaaaally needs to become a part of standard school curriculum. I did a lot of looking into starting an initiative, talking with teachers, school boards etc. It’s was tried in 2013 or 14. The GOP turned it down because it “undermines parental authority and foundational beliefs.”
And Luthor was rich!
This country is so beyond doomed at this point. We have a sizeable percentage of the population that is so untethered from reality that it's impossible to have a constructive dialogue with them. How do we address public policy when the other side thinks clouds are marshmallows and thunder is god bowling?
It behaves exactly like a cult. At this point I doubt they would reject him if he stood before them and begged them to stop believing his nonsense.
A friend of my cousins @2016, “I support trump because he cares for people like me”
Here’s a popular example of some “Q decoding,” in case anyone’s curious.
And not just any multimillionaire. A man who has, for the past 40 years, been the most visible symbol in the country of excessive greed, gluttonous consumption and ostentatious displays of wealth.
a party that has no interest in materially improving the lives of their base.
I;m exhausted just reading about it.
Trump is closer to Lex Luthor, who became President in the comics. Except Luthor was smart, and didn’t bother with the fake hair.
It must be... very exhausting to expend the amount of energy required to jump through all these mental hoops.
Damn that’s some whacky conspiracy theorying. Trump is an underground secret superhero, but does a horrible job with his secret identify. Worse than Superman. Cause Trump is obviously Captain Underpants.