
Notice how McCain and other concern trolls in the media will focus almost entirely on the label and not the substance. When substance is brought up, they will deflect as quickly as possible to the label, and to Venezuela, and to anything other than the actual policies and ideas being proposed.

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

...starting a fight over a parking spot and threatening the guy’s family in the car. So shooting McGlockton qualifies as “stand your ground”, but McGlockton protecting his family from an aggressive asshole by pushing him is not. Neat how that works.

Yep, a parking offence is definitely deserving of the death penalty. No victim blaming here, no siree.

Well, from Jeffries interview, it appears evangelicals betrayed many of the ideological positions the espouse when they chose to follow Reagan.

Nailed it. 

Mabye the asshole with the gun should have minded his motherfucking business instead of starting a fucking fight over a goddamn parking spot.

Talking back to a cop is not an artestable offense. Sandra Bland should have been ticketed at most but not arrested. That cop was already looking to use violence when he threatened to “light her up” when she didn’t put out her cigarette.

Ha. I called it last year. I told a friend the “Reagan Republicans would sooner redefine who Reagan was than admit following Trump betrays everything they claimed to love about Reagan. If they can’t make Trump into Reagan, they’ll make Reagan into Trump.

You're right. Even if they had to follow the law the dead white guy would be the poster child for changing the law. Literally poster, with the white paper you just got to draw an outline. Jokes aside that would be the protest to work too. I'd say some Floridians of color should be looking for opportunities but no one

I think you’re putting far more thought into this than it merits.

You make lucid points. I don’t disagree with your viewpoints, I disagree with your conclusion. Everyone who worked for this Nazi regime should be shunned in all ways, by all people. They should never have jobs again...ever. I stop short of having them stoned, drawn and quartered, but only because I’m not that

Shhhh. Don’t you know? This is America, and white people don’t actually count as terrorists. /s

These people know exactly what they’re doing. They want these health care providers to be harassed, threatened, and probably attacked.

I wonder if he actually thinks this’ll be a paid vacation. I’d put money on him bailing within a week of his first panel grilling.

What is the purpose of these mailings? It can only be terrorism.

Yeah, but that’s only because in America, all the care for school shootings drives up the costs for everyone. Geez, I don’t want health care /and/ to not worry my kids come home from school.

with the most significant out of pocket cost being hospital parking.

Brit living in the US here.