
>>Let’s be honest though. There was no reasonable suspicion. The coupon she included a photo of does not look “handwritten”. It even has a barcode. Noone is going thru the trouble of creating a fake barcode, even if putting it in CVS’ system *wasn’t* a problem. If barcode didn’t scan, they needed only to do a quick

Assuming there aren’t any other of the recommended anti-fraud features on that high-value coupon (foil, holograms, etc.), the issuer really did a poor job of putting together a coupon to give out to customers. Giving someone $18 off a product without a required purchase is automatically suspicious.

Devil’s advocate: the “CVS” on the coupon does look stamped or typed, definitely not part of the original print for the coupon. The slight smear on “CVS” would have me double checking the store’s coupon system if they did issue coupons like this, esp as it claims to be a store specific brand.

You can tell about his political views of building a lane with fake signatures of their depths of bullshit and being pieces of shit they are.

A forger working for CVS accuses a woman of being a forger.

he did just say “can’t take this” and she stayed in the store to argue about it. so essentially its whitey tries to get last word and when thats not exceptable AND the person is black then the cops are called. if it was a white person he would have debated till the cows come home.

theres been a few of these cops

Why did Facebook take her post down? Because she used his full name?

That poor woman was purchasing something deeply personal to boot.

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

So do you want criminals quickly removed from the streets or not...?

She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.

What if you’re staring to realize your friends are mostly to stupid to handle being around? 

The theory is that fried chicken is so delicious that it excuses racism?

Just so we’re all on the same page, everyone does realize the end of his Colonel Sanders point is, “...and he never got backlash because he serves fried chicken”, right?

Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.

So Papa John lost his PR firm, and the PR firm had to lay off staff. So pretty much a lose-lose, which is also how I would describe paying for Papa John’s shitty pizza.

This almost made me cry when that officer literally turned his back on her.

There’s soo much to unpack here:

Ive noticed this as well. Us black folks look at Latinos as who they are, minorities also. But many Latinos in reality have their heads in the sand like ostriches. They either think they're white or that white people see them as equals

I once had a latino skinhead come up to me to say I was a disgrace to the white race because I was out having dinner with some black friends. That was 20 years ago and I still don’t understand what the fuck his deal was.  He did at least leave when we all burst out into hysterical laughter.