
Well they would also have to ban male educators.

How many men came up pregnant after the assault?

Hey how many female teachers knock up their male students?

Did any of those produce another life? Perhaps did those murder create a motherless child?

Which of the heinous monstrous actions that women do produce a motherless child?

lol....awwwww :(

They are purposely manipulating their comments. They sounds like a bunch of MRA junkies.

Just a note——men and women can be monsters—-humans can be monsters.

Tell me when a woman does a monstrous thing to another human does it create a life?

Isn’t this kind of silly? Do all men need to be monitored all the time? Is that really where we think the conversation should go?

How many men in a vegetative state grow a human in their belly for 9 months? 9 months.

Killing people is bad.

This is trump’s strategy for winning 2020.

I’m so sorry. I hope she found help.

THIS. My husband and I went to the same PCP for a while.

THIS. My doc started me on this and I became suicidal and tried to pace myself and keep perspective because I READ that was a side effect. He upped the prescription from 300mg to 600mg instead on increasing it by 100mg...and I literally had to call multiple people in his office, nurses, office managers, whomever I

Same here. WTF!


I want Will Ferrell to refund my $15. Soooooooo disappointed in this movie.

The same obvious disdain that conservative/republicans/magats have been calling Democrats —-libtards or in Alex Jones case Democratic Women —-feminazi.