
Oh my you solved the whole issue. It’s all just a big scam. /s

Straight up my brother and sister-in-law. I was speechless when they didn’t realize they were the same thing. Now my MIL is all about everyone should have healthcare....however, no shit, they voted for Republicans, again, in Florida. 2 black son-in-laws, 4 mixed race grand babies...voted for that racist tool DeSantis.


I really enjoyed it more than the complaints I had about it. Now I’m just re visiting nice areas and doing photo shoots with Pegasus. The beauty of each location is sinply mind blowing.

I LOVED the Frye sibilings. I find I really enjoy two protagonists.

Murder machine. lol.

My neighbor is a gay trump supporter. He is beyond uncomfortable to be around. He is racist** (now proudly private and public verbal about it since the election), outed himself as a white supremacist and brags about being connected to some group in Germany and always spits out “SJW” or “virtue signaling” and proudly do

All I imagine is Joy crawling over the table to repeated jack hammer slap Meghan off that chair. One can dream.

What get’s me, is I swear, Meghan, or her hubby milks it, uses her childish out bursts directly on to Joy so her hubby and his ilk have their fight go viral to trigger their base rabidly.

Maybe cause it’s called The View and Joy had a “view” about something good a Republican did for saving the planet and Meghan’s view was that Joy needed to shut up cause !brat!. That is just MY point of view.

That is abuser logic.

Because troll farms need to keep their peeps bitching about women so trump can win in 2020.

Why are your panties in a twist about Warren?

What in the FUK are you talking about?


opposing political expression and it makes you look bad. It makes the politics you support look bad as an extension. This was how MAGA was born.

This was how MAGA was born.

Thanks to the supreme court we all know it’s cool to sexually assault women especially in the bible belt states.

This a litter. Clay litter causes constipation because they inhale the powder. I haven’t been able to successfully retrain them to a new littler. Apparently litter attachment starts as a kitten thing.

THIS. I live in a city neighborhood. We have coyotes that travel into the neighborhood via rail road and wonder around at night. They snack on free range cats. New neighbors refuse to believe this, let their collared cats roam free, then post their very precious cat(s) photos on all the telephone poles as “missing”.