
For about a month I would just play spy in the background while I painted.  It made me feel so good inside. It’s so funny and awesome.

THIS!!!! Also the version they just recently showed on FX has a few extra scenes that are very awesome!

Ugh I do the same thing. If I set an alarm I snooze it. When I wake up I feel like a grumpy toddler.

That’s right because no one else is a productive member of society? 

Yes, yes, the argument that it didn’t well with central America is a good reason not to try it...not like other countries we could copy like UK, Sweden or Canada. BUT yes, let’s copy the countries where it didn’t work.

shit. i didn’t think of it like that.

Jesus Christ! I’m so sorry about your fiancee.

The Jacksonville Landing is basically a giant ass beach bar “mall” located in the heart of the city on the river walk. That whole area is supposed to be open dinning and open shopping. They would have to basically have snipers all over that area for security into any restaurant located along the u shaped building. And

This event coming off of this event “Popular YouTube Kills Self, Two Others In Fiery Crash” and I get what you are putting down. 100%.

Democrats want the votes, if not of the illegal migrants themselves then of their children and other relatives who have the vote.

I swore this week never to go to ER again.  Having been pushed to go to ER due to BS excuse from URGENT care my bill came to $12k, my cut after m insurance is $4k.  It doesn’t seem like a lot in theory but I don’t know if I can pay it. It’s been a depressing week.

I almost spit out my cola when she said she wasn’t an ideologue.  LUVVED how the audience laughed like----she really said that shitz?

THIS. Witnessing gamer gate and these guys talking like women never existed and had no right to existed pretty much ended tolerance for me.

Then why not create their OWN world instead of taking a brand that DOES NOT BELONG to them and in THEIR mind has been hijaked by sjw’s and no one would be snickering.

oh please...poor them when they want everyone else out of the party. Boo hoo.

AC: Unity.  I love the global scale and visuals of Unity but got warn out too.  I went back to finish after Syndicate and got irritated that I couldn’t just grapple from roof to roof.

AC: Syndicate is my absolute favorite.

“We don’t take any flak,” Soderlund said in an interview with Gamasutra, referring to the backlash surrounding the inclusion of women in Battlefield V. “We stand up for the cause, because I think those people who don’t understand it, well, you have two choices: either accept it or don’t buy the game. I’m fine with


This is why my (used to be sweet quite) evangelical neighbor keeps loosing his marbles about the concept of “hate crimes” and why do we have to have them. I’ve been perplexed as to why it even came up. Now I know...the are triggering that bunch to hate that law so crap like this won’t be punished appropriately.