
I never said Obama achieved 3% gdp per quarter. That was some hot spew nonsense from trump to trick his supporters that Obama did nothing regarding GDP growth.

Thanks to Obama.

try this one one...where’s the out cry?

Since when does re, white, blue, stars, stripes and hearts = literally wearing the flag? Not one bit of that fabric is American flag.

Trigger warning indeed. I could only get through 1 min. Gross.

My brother lived for 5 years without an ID. He lived with a girl friend, did odd jobs. He lost his birth certificate and social security card and gave up with all the hassles they put him through.

I live in GA. And the Republicans passed bills changing requirements that make it even harder for white women to get ID.

“I ask this because from the Dems side, it is obvious that pushing no ID voting would help their side.”


That is when my husband picked up his dinner and left the room.

ugh. i’m sending positive thoughts your way. def a no win situation. i hope it gets better.

That’s bs. Sorry.

I feel you and respect your pain...however :}

Jesus! so sorry for your loss and extremely happy that you and your children made it through. Respect!

Thanks for sharing. I have a friend whose husband wants nothing to do with the’s sad. I think he gets nervous around them? 2 girls. My friend is just overwhelmed, she tells him but he’s not getting it. :/

OMGosh right! I always wanted to be in the other room sitting and chilling out with the guys.

I don’t EVER let my husband wash my clothes. I loose 2-3 pieces every time.

they deliberately do a half-assed or seriously shitty job so their partner will just give up and do it herself.

It’s not about whether or not they told us to take out the trash, it’s that we don’t think enough about what goes into keeping the house going to take the trash out.
