
I wonder if they searched for Capaldi nudes or Matt Smith nudes (hold on...dreaming...droolling...yes, I want) ok, carry on.

There was porbably a dogthor before the womanthor.


You mean like Superman, Batman, The Hulk, Thor, Spiderman, Ratman, Masturbatorman, puuuulease.

Thank you!

Pandering! Is the new crime of SJWs.

Wow just because of this?
This is where you plant your flag for your fellow citizens?

I think your anger is making you read into things. Both of these beings are fucked up. Just because someone calls one out and not the other isn’t all of nothing.

the too-long handshake always freaks me out usually with a side of creepy grin.

I’m bawling now. My God, I can’t believe her daughter got out safe.

This. I worked for 5 years for a military contractor developing 3d training animations/simulations of a plane that by the timeline our project would be finished would be retired, everything we did was for nothing and never to be used. Also...the biggest wasters of money are ex-military subject matter experts. The get

Their suicide toyota truck bombers take out more.

My understanding was they unloaded the plan so they could clean up his blood. Then loaded everyone back including him.

Before the cameras were rolling im certain that this guy refused to give up his seat and walk out comfortably to a free flight multiple times.

BS. His head smashing into the arm rest seat across from him when they yanked him out of his chair section. Rewatch. It bloodied his face and knocked him out. He’s 69 years old.

This one blows me away everytime.

Well this was new...his “black men” thing was elaborated on to include “muslim” black men...oh he’s so edge and cool. *vomit*

He also loves being the victim. The “victim” off between him and Mahr where Mahr acqiuested was repulsive.

This is an insanely long article but worth the read. Being in tech and female I I’ve been watching this entire thing unfold since the early 2000s.

Sadly MY etal has been rigging via new bogus sites with alternate info on him to change the perception of him. In July I found some truly aweful things he has said with his pro alt-right stance. NOW all of that is gone and I find articles saying he is against alt-right (similar to Bannon now). I think he is trying to