
Should have saved this idea for their eventual series finale. Imagine a slightly more refined version maybe turned into a 2-parter with that final scene as the last scene of southpark ever. Still was a great episode. Despite the polarizing nature of this show C+ is a joke,

Humor is a coping mechanism. We as a species use it to deal with all the shit, past present and future. I heard recently that Australians were accounted the bravest soldiers in WWI. They fucking dealt with shit none of us can even comprehend and kept going. Aside from bravery the other defining attribute of these

You are giving Rothfuss too much credit, he's pulling a Martin right now and to be honest might pull a Lost. Too much build-up with literally no delivery in terms of resolution over the course of supposedly 2/3s of the series. Don't get me wrong I like the books, but I have been burned before.

I have always thought that the argument of "the rest of the world does it so we should too", is a pretty silly one.

You sir deserve a thousand likes for guiding me to a page with the sentence:

I think you have hit the nail on the head with your statement that he "can't read the room". Until I read that I kept thinking he seems smart but keeps doing semi-smart but ultimately dumb things and couldn't figure out why.

I think she actually is taking the correct tack on being a target. While her conversation with eddie last week was painfully funny. She wasn't so much paranoid as correct in her assessment that she would be going home if the HII got played on the right person. I think she was pretty gung ho about a higher risk

I can't agree with you more as I don't think he has actually been very successful these last 3 eps. First he loses corrinne, then he loses an idol and michael, then he burns 2 idols and doesn't really shake up the other alliance. He's making moves but not really successful ones.

That is the inherent issue I have with this move. If his goal is to keep the idols then making the others sweat that if they still vote for anyone in his group then they might go home is the way to ensure you don't need the idols. By saying phillip pretty much the only person under pressure to vote differently is

You do have a point that he hasn't had time to see and therefore buy into his edit from last season. But I maintain that he is smug beyond his accomplishments. In this game he basically jumped ship from a dominating position to join a bunch of knuckleheads and a crazy bitch, has repeatedly squandered opportunities by

I am impressed at how nicely you nailed the 2 idol part of your prediction. You even got who would go home.

I am also for the broliance but think that all three members are douchey. While most people seem to agree on reynold and eddie. I really don't know how Malcolm still seems to be a favorite. He's gotten pretty damn smug and  has been rubbing me the wrong way all season. It's like he bought into his golden boy edit he

Yeah I really think that Andrea is the boss too by the way that last week she was basically willing to risk the vote falling apart to flush out traitors to the alliance, until it became clear that she would go home if the vote fell apart. Then immediately she wanted a safe vote and tada she got it.

I think this would have been valid as well. After the vote he plays both idols gets his alliance to vote for him so no votes what so ever are counted and then watches as the tribe tries to figure out who's going home, no option of sticking to their guns and voting for one of the bros. But basically anything

PlanetArtest  I think that he could have engineered a situation where he didn't need to play the immunity idols, although it would have been risky and he would have needed to give the group time to think about it before hand.

I really think as so many people have pointed out that malcolm really
fucked up. Leading up to tribal council I was thinking to myself 
malcolm what r you doing you are going to either play both and blindside
someone and then be in the exact same spot next vote or he's gonna hold
on to one and try and try to hang on

I think this tribal worked out about as well for what remains of the favorite alliance as if
they had voted out Malcolm. Similar reward (one less player on the
bro-liance 1 idol down) so much less risk as even if the bro-liance together
had played a 2nd  idol there is no way it would have gone to Michael.

IIRC there was an episode way back when where they pretty much just stood on a platform and jeff brought out food to tempt you to jump off. I think it had a mild endurance requirement but was mostly willpower.  I'd love to see that challenge again although again if IIRC it took a ridiculous amount of time.

Usually when someone says "And before you dismiss this as paranoid, hear me out" its a good time to dismiss them as paranoid and leave.

I have to say that I was in that boat until about a week ago. Saw the first 5 minutes of a ton of episodes but never much more than that. Started watching it on netflix while I work out last week and was surprised by how pleasant the show is. It has almost no substance, is completely unoffensive (not really a clean