Neilly Burnswick

a purple-haired lesbian surrounded by her teammates with giant “DARE TO SHINE” signs around her is like, an incredible image as we reach the end of Pride Month, it makes my gay little heart so fucking happy.

“And we’ll have their favorite food, which I understand is called a Royale with Cheese.”

That would seem to be an asinine qualifying system

I hereby announce that the French Women’s National Football Team is invited to the White House to celebrate their success in the 2019 World Cup tournament’ 

Crystal Dunn was the Player of the Match, though.

All good points, but Rapinoe also celebrated a goal too much, so who’s really the bad one here?

$1,500. lol go fuck yourself Cam. Paris to Charlotte. That is a 9 hour 20 min flight.

In the men’s case, it’s because the Ninja Turtles are cool and fun.

It very much was not

From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.

Sonnen was unable to recover from a third strike to the head ... Following the end of the fight, Sonnen used his time on the mic to ... thank the sport for all of the memories he’s made

She’s scoring a lot of points, but averages less than an assist per game. I’m sure her coaches would like to encourage her to spread the ball around more, but she’s probably not used to having teammates who are also capable of scoring. Therefore, Han shoots first.

the only reason he thinks he can get away with it is literally every single experience he’s ever had.

The thing that gets me about this is that there’s literally no other scenario in the world where a dink like Stevens would do this to someone like Lowry who could clearly and easily kick the shit out of him. The only thing that lets someone like Stevens think he can get away with it is a lifetime of thinking that

On the plus side, the Rockets and Cavs have won a ton of hypothetical championships over the past five years and that’s really the most important thing. 

I’m glad you recognize this take makes you a total herb. 

Herb alert:
I always wanted the Warriors to win but I super hope they win like this. Every championship they have is hindered by some dipshit being like, “Well if only Chris Paul/Kawhi Leonard/Kyrie Irving/Etc. were healthy...” Which is fucking dumb but whatever. I’m sure if the Warriors win this series with nothing

Ok, I stand corrected.  I didn’t see that angle before.  The other angle looks like there isn’t any contact.

Redacted, I was wrong after seeing the other angle.

It was natural until he got hip-checked, man. You fucked up in that you listened to Jeff Van Gundy and decided to run with it.