Neilly Burnswick

OK, I believe them.

So no. You cannot even write a single paragraph as to why axie infinity is fun.

As a first entry in a new series, of course it will take some growing into.

Holy cow, thanks for alerting me to this.

I can’t delete my comment, so I’ll make this post. G/O Media sucks and treats their employees like shit. I feel bad for those who were pushed around and pushed out. As much as I can, I stand with those editors and writers who are getting screwed over. It’s a shame. This website used to be wonderful. It had a culture

People prefer it when humans act with emotion and respect, rather than with cold and calculating machinations.

You’re soooo brave”.

That said cracker is absolutely not racist by the definition’s you’ve given above because it in no way, shape, or form implies superiority or inferiority and lacks historical context that would lend evidence to such accusations. In fact the belief that cracker is a racist term is more likely an indicator that the

If it’s any help, I reported a facebook post which stated that black people were cockroaches. As I was reporting it, I chose hate speech, as the example listed next to the option was “for example, comparing members of a race to insects.”

If you are looking at these dictionary definitions you googled just now to get mad and not seeing any relation to power structures then you should work on your reading comp. Nor are the two definitions presented the be-all end-all of scholarly thought on racism, but rather surface-level summaries chosen not to upset

I’m not sure how much college you’ve under your belt, but the dictionary is not a valid source for ones history project.  

You’re soooo brave 

Please stop saying all racial slurs are the same. It's not true like at all at all

As a veteran leftbooker, I’ve seen more self-identifying fascists than I ever thought possible. Thousands of them are very open about it, even posting overt fascist propaganda (as opposed to non-overt, like GOP/Trump posting) on accounts where they had their place of work and family and friends who could all see it.

This reminds me of when FB banned me for calling Axl Rose white trash and then told me the post I reported that said all middle eastern children should be executed because they're all future terrorists didn't violate their community standards 

Other stuff that didn’t rise to the level of bannable in FB’s eyes included memes about running over protesters (even in the immediate days following Charlottesville), threatening someone by posting pictures of their house, or posting pictures of dead babies because someone mentioned pit bulls in a completely

I adminned a leftist group on FB for years. It was well known among our corner of the site that cracker could get you a temporary ban, as could sometimes just saying someone was white. We even started using work arounds for that last one, like using “yt” instead, but eventually whoever the faceless assholes were that

Damn, Twitch really cracked the whip on him!

In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced