Neilly Burnswick

81 and 18 are reversals - mirror images, if you will.  This keeps getting stranger.

I’d love to see a report of every free throw that James Harden has taken that he doesn’t deserve.

You mean that time they started a black QB on December 3, 2017 and then the coach and GM got fired on December 4, 2017? 

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much

At least you got to go home and listen to Santa Monica, after the draft you just go home with...regret?

I have great difficulty understanding how pathetic one must be to go to a football stadium to watch the NFL Draft. This is the equivalent of people in the ‘90s camping out in front of their local Tower Records to be the first to buy the new album by, like, Everclear.

So basically this kid will be compared to Khalil Mack from day one, will get roundly criticized if he’s not like Khalil Mack, and will only add more fuel to the “Jon Gruden and Mike Mayock don’t have any fucking clue what they’re doing” fire if it goes wrong.

Wtf are you talking about? It is a horrible shot. Had he missed (which was highly likely) we’d be laughing at Dame because of the following...

You know what was awesome about Paul Pierce? Kevin Garnett.

My favorite part of this article is the description “former Washington Wizard.” 

He would have liked to laugh it all off, but he wasn’t abel.

You can pinpoint the moment where his heart breaks!

The thing is, you can regain your swagger playing Chinese basketball, but you lose all your confidence again an hour later.

Nice way to turn a piece about an all-time great player into a demonstration of East Coast Myopia.

Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.

When $500k is B league the rest of us normies are well and truly fucked.

Losing your job and having your life ruined is the kind of thing that can happen in the social media era if you choose to be a racist asshole out in the real world where everyone can see and take video. Given the tone of your post, seems you’ve already figured out you should keep all the nasty things you believe to

That’s the point that a lot of folks are missing here. It’s not quite “rich people cheating their way in,” it’s not-rich-enough people having to scam a game they can’t afford the tickets to play in.

Since the ultra rich are being criticized, we should expect to be told we are jealous by poor people who Stan for the rich in every matter. Any minute now. Jealous.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.