Neilly Burnswick

You’d have to ask Drew Bris

Har har, very funny guys, with the juvenile references. Can we get back to football and the play design, and talk about the blocking scheme, whether they cut block him? Did they cut Cox or was he uncut?

Never good to come off half-Coxed. Full Cox or burst.

It’s a testament to the civility of Northwestern fans that she hasn’t been stuffed into a trashcan. 

Look at that poor lady beneath her.

Sports aren’t fun. I don’t know why I waste so much time on this shit.

There are already plenty of impeachable offenses independent of the Mueller probe (which is just determined by what the current House thinks is “high crimes and misdemeanors”). You’re just participating in the same goal post moving that everyone focused on “civility” and “norms” is.

And hilariously it’s just been making her more famous and powerful. Had they done nothing, she’d just be another first-year House member, without much power among Dems. But thanks to
conservatives, she's got some real power.

The NFL is such a dangerous sport that even scouts aren’t immune to CTE.


From the title on down, this article is pure poetry. 

My guess is they were froze in amazement. People often freeze up in situations like this, unsure of what to do. 

Cause it looked like she needed help with his raggedy ass?

Another take:

“I couldn’t control you,”

That was pure awesome!  Each and every strike was thrown with bad intentions.  I only wish she’d gotten the KO!

Every strike was glorious.

While I am proud of her for defending herself, I cannot believe the other crew members and managers just stood there and watched her get attacked 🤨!!!! I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, and was a manager too, and there is no way my 18 year old ass would have stood for that shit, and calmly spoken to a customer tha

the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.

Sis held him in place and went to work on his jaw. She was not playing.