Neilly Burnswick

Ahhhh yes, It only took a few hours for the ‘fire the winningest coach in team history for .... reasons’ crowd to comment. If only Tomlin had a bigger, squarer chin or.... (note: ‘undisciplined’ is yinzer for ‘the coach is black’)

Damn man, that’s so fucking cool and awesome, someone recognized Mike Trout!

Go fuck yourself, you obfuscating asshole

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

My first thought was “what a team player.” We are judging a referee for doing something “racist” when this article made no mention of the rules and just assuming because he had one racist incident years ago that this also must be racist.

Imagine watching a teenager forced to cut his hair or essentially cost his team/friends any chance at a win and thinking, “What a team player” and not, “Holy shit, that ref is a real piece of shit.” The fact that they didn’t make him buzz it or even get all of the dreads (but just a hatch job trim) basically

That fucking “Epitome of a team player” tweet is nearly as rage-inducing as the video. Fuck that guy.

Maloney told the Courier-Post he does not remember using the word at all, let alone directing it at Hamilton, but believes the accounts of witnesses who told him he said the word.

I bet it comes out that Drew was in a coma and somebody reading him this news brought him out of it. 

“Your honor, I’d like to turn your attention to Exhibit C fas the most damning evidence of collusion amongst NFL owners towards my client - a signed contract between the Oakland Raiders and Nathan Peterman!”

Nathan Peterman likes how copier paper feels on his skin.

Remember that episode of South Park where Cartman gets Kenny to put a picture of his ass as his school picture, and gets it put on a milk carton, and those folks with butts for their faces show up at his door looking for their missing son, and he blows a funny fuse because he’ll never see anything that hilarious ever

Still only the 2nd most impressive rise from the dead today:

Now playing

Go ahead and fast forward to 0:40. Very relevant. 

In general, when there’s a confrontation and someone asks “where you from?” it is a BAD SIGN.

Lol, no way. That would require them to also be up against some exciting, highly regarded Rams team with a prolific offense and... ah fuck!

It's week 14.

Adherence to a strict personal code still compels him to grumble “nice”.

The first 69 Gronk doesn’t like

I want to turn this play into a snortable powder and inhale it for eternity.