
I believe his official first name in TOS was “Jabilo”, although that may not be canon.

Spirit CAN be a good airline to fly if you’re careful, lucky, and know exactly what you’re doing. At least, they used to be, when the baggage fee was $35 and not $55.

IIRC we did see a body, although it wasn’t Patinkin’s body. I don’t think he’s coming back.

How did Atlanta not make the top of any of these lists?

It’s Tiktok. Are you surprised? That app is a hellhole.

As someone who once needed a wheelchair to get through an airport, I feel that the wheelchair-pushing staff doesn’t get enough credit. I was recovering from an illness that made it extremely difficult to breathe (and therefore walk), and the guy who handled my wheelchair was super-awesome and took me all the way out

I sometimes fly Spirit. If you go into it knowing what you’re getting and expecting a lesser experience, it’s not bad. Although the fact that their Big Front Seats are pretty cheap (usually cheaper than Comfort+ on Delta) is a nice bonus. And Spirit flight attendants are just as nice as Delta’s and Southwest’s.

Given that the whole series is only three hours long in total, I don’t feel upset that I watched it. There were some genuinely funny bits (as someone who goes to the movies somewhat often, “I’m Maria Menuonos” was freaking hilarious), and some genuinely stupid bits too.

Pretty sure Patrick Stewart did this in 1998...

Exercise. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate exercising, but getting in better shape has increased my stamina in the bedroom, which is good for both me and my partners.

I’m not going to my reunion unless Martin Blank is there.

Instagram definitely listens, at least sometimes. I was talking to a friend and he mentioned in passing that he’d had hernia surgery some time ago, and literally an hour later Instagram showed me an ad for hernia mesh surgery lawsuits. (The Instagram permissions only allow microphone use while the app is in use,

I’m actually interested in watching this, but if it’s locked behind Peacock’s paywall, I guess I never will. There are too many streaming services and I can’t pay for them all.

But will this work on Messages for Web?

The captain’s chair had a safety harness at the end of ST:Nemesis.

If by “some sort” you mean “extremely heavy-handed”. Like, I have no problem with making metaphors, but maybe make them a little more subtle? Star Trek audiences are smart. Treat us smartly.

Lower Decks. Don’t forget Lower Decks. It’s by far the best of the current crop of Trek shows.

I didn’t like it. I guess I’m the outlier.