Lionel Hutz Esq.

As a middle age Gen-Xer, I love this. It’s a good, sarcastic way of making a point that I totally support. The boomers know what they did.

The Boomers, in general, were a selfish mess of a generation. They have plenty they should be proud of, but they have a terrible time seeing beyond their own noses. They should finally step up and pay their fair share on their way out.

Now playing

“I’m just playing with you. I’m Gen-X. I just sit on the sidelines and watch the world burn.”

I always felt that the Kennedy Assassination was the dividing line. But, also, look at the icons. David Cross, 1964, Kurt Cobain, 1967 (Heck, anyone with 90 alt is from the mid-60s to the early 70s).   Gen-X is from at least 1964 to 1980.  The boomers get 1946-63,

Colbert is clearly Gen-X, just like fellow 1964 born David Cross.

Contingency Fee?

I believe that Dowd has explained once that pure As and Fs should be extremely rare. An F means a total failure of a film. Not just bad (thats what Ds are for), but there is nothing redeemable/artistic/at all worth watching in it (Assume a D film must have a least one good scene/line/acting moment, or is in the so bad

All in all, a good ending to what has been a good, summer pulp series. I enjoyed the ride, with my only complaint is that there was a better series there to be had, but for whatever reason, the writing tended to get bogged down in different locations. I have no problem with a series that takes its time if it uses it

I know. At first I was thinking “All right, Cassidy is a vampire, and I know ‘black don’t crack,’ but Tulip is looking fine for being in her 70s.” The weird thing is on Sunday I went to a play which ends with the main actress giving a short monologue as her dead Mother, and it again took me a moment to realize the

Isn’t the real question, at this point in the series, how long has it been since someone been able to get an ice cream cone at Scoops Ahoy?

At some point, someone here at the A.V. Club should do a retrospective on Michael Moriarty and his B-movie career prior to Law and Order.

Colloquially, everyone referred to Soviets as “Russians.” Most Americans in 1985 would be hard press to name any other of the Soviet Republics unless they played Risk.

Not a bad idea, except his only advice is “You all should fuck already.”

Next you are going to tell me that the Dread Pirate Roberts is not real.  

Not only do you have the top politician in your pocket, but chief of police is a former drunk that spends all of his time chasing after 14-year olds.  

He was only mostly beat up.

“Open Rifts: Don’t Do It!”

It probably depends on how well it sells.  If they go through Cheetos quick enough, you won’t encounter stale ones that often.  Going right after the lunch or dinner rush, where hopefully they clear out all the open ones and are opening a new supply wouldn’t be a bad idea either.