Lionel Hutz Esq.

I’m assuming that Mallory is sort of like Rimmer on Red Dwarf. That her essence has been captured and kept in a holographic projection. Probably after something very bad happened, like having her bones removed.

Why is “Doom” in quotes?  Is this some sort of ironic doom?

When Ser Pounce sits on the Iron Throne, with Hot Pie as his hand, the game of thrones will truly be won.  

While I think there are better ways to handle it, and it would not be liked by the masses, what if Dany’s “madness” that led her to destroy King’s Landing turns out to be side-effect of her being poisoned? Varys would, in the end, be responsible for the tragedy he thought he was trying to prevent.

“Open Arms?”

Historically, there are plenty of examples of armies razing a city so that others will surrender outright. Yes, the common people have very little power, but that isn’t the point. It is that everyone suffered. You stand against me, be you common, soldier or noble, and you will burn. That will spread, and (again,

People have been telling me that any time I try to have sex with them for years.  

Ned is clearly not a villain. But, isn’t the whole point of his character that being good and noble only ends up with you losing your head?

Daenerys had no strategic reason whatsoever to massacre a town full of innocents after they surrendered; it’s a choice that seriously harms her chances to achieve what she has always wanted and what she dreams of.

There’s no one who could end up on the Iron Throne that would be as satisfying as the end of the show has been disappointing.

I thought we could all agree that not having the equivalent of Eruovision is what made us better than the Europeans.  How does this #MAGA???????

By modern standards, it does just fine.  Plus it showed growth in almost every episode last year (which would indicate it was also getting good on demand and FX website action), and probably did well for FX on its pay side (now its on Netflix). And it (and the other FX shows you mention) attract the kind of viewers

This is why I’m planning to start a new business. A chain of stores that would allow you to rent block busters and other Hollywood videos for a couple of days on tangible media (no need to spend $30 a month just to access the service). Why spend $10 or more a month over many streaming services when you can just go to

I’m split on whether the wights need the Night King to exist. We had the dead just rising around the wall without the Night King raising the roof as part of the start of winter. It seems like wights may just exist in “winter” somehow, but the Night King was able to control and channel them. But maybe it all ties back.

And don’t forget the return of the Evil Morty, who is now in charge of the Citadel.

Until I hear it from Mr. Poopybutthole, I don’t believe anything about a premier date.

The death of the Night King doesn’t mean the force that powered him is gone, or that there will be no more wights. Plus there may be other terrors north of the wall, and raiders once tribes return. And the Night Watch gives you the ability to punish nobles without killing them. And what else are you going to do with

The end of the Night King might not mean the end to the power that created him.  There could be other threats north of the wall, and once wildlings return, you could have raiders.  The Night Watch would have plenty to do and gives you a way to punish nobles without putting them to death.  And it gives Jon something

The destruction of the Night King might not mean the end of the power he represented, or the wights.  Plus there are still people north of the wall that may raid the North.  Plus, honestly, it gives you something to distract Jon with.  

You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. But, in this case, you have an offer of surrender rejected by Cersi, and Dany’s army charges the wall and the city. It is a quick surrender after the initial breach of the outer wall, which is why you have a chance to reign back the troops. But once the