Lionel Hutz Esq.

I thought it was smart of the writers to streamline as we head toward the finale, as bloat wouldn’t help the ending.  The problem is that they need a few more shows to properly set up Dany’s turn and to otherwise properly wrap up the story.  Everything just feels like it is a little too rushed.  

I disagree. I think she has been strategic (if a bit fascistic and cruel) in her thinking. She said, if she will not be loved, she will be feared. Sacking the largest, richest city in Westeros would spread fear through the rest of the land (which has already seen most of its great houses destroyed and weaken, so she

I think calling the sacking of a city in a (fantasy) medieval period isn’t accurate. “Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war!” The sacking and the raping is how you convince your arm to put their lives on the line. Now, you are a better leader if you, like Henry V, can avoid it, but it wasn’t outside the bounds of

I have a feeling, as she fled the city and watched the poor that tried to help her burn for no good reason, that Arya’s list was reduced to one name, that of her aunt, once-removed. I could see her stealing GreyWorm’s face and slaying the mad queen just as she is about to turn Jon to a cinder. Then we could have

Why do you need to be told that, which you know, deep in your soul, is true?

So that’s what happened to Elayne Boosler. 

But, now, imagine that the kid was played by Guillermo . . . See what I mean?

If The Strain had been more like What We Do in the Shadows, it would have been the greatest show in TV history.  

I remembered he wasn’t in frame, but I had forgotten that the scene was framed to make him that small. He is truly pocket sized.

I assume that Pocket-Size Rudy is in every scene, but just to short to be in frame.  

They will roll a rock to save rock and roll!

I’m assuming that it will be the occasion of a total reset, and the family will go back to being cannibals.  

Trash Talking Tina is the best!

Plus Winterfell is her home, the place she was raised.  She knows all the secrets and back passages.  That question really doesn’t throw me.  

I can’t understand why everyone is caught up on what happens to Bran next. But it’s a thing, so HBO released the script of the opening scene for next week to set everyone’s mind to rest:

Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death? There must have been one, a moment, in childhood, when it first occurred to you that you don’t go on forever. It must have been shattering, stamped into one’s memory. And yet I can’t remember it. It never occurred to me at all. We must be born with an

WTF Starz! LOL

This is cooked, but fun in its own right: