Lionel Hutz Esq.

So, is there a reason that The A. V. Club has decide to totally ignore FLCL: Progressive?  You would think it would deserve at least a mention in “What’s On Tonight,” if not at least a preview.  What gives?

Just to make sure I’m clear, but after two weeks, and not even a mention in “What’s On Tonight,” I can assume that for some reason The A. V. Club has decided to just ignore Adult Swim airing FLCL: Progressive?  Any particular reason why?

The fact that Clooney was still wearing his space suit undoubtedly threw Bullock into a PTSD rage. But it did seem a downer of an ending.

Everyone knows that Danny Ocean died in, and his sister was the only one to survive, the great space shuttle disaster of 2013.

Hairpiece criticisms is what made William Shatner a star.  

The Ghostbusters remake isn’t bad. On a big screen or a good 3D home system, the special effects are quite good, and I liked the female leads a lot. Is it as great as the first Ghostbusters? No, but it is as good as Ghostbusters II.  

I was at the 2003 Rose Bowl between Washington State and Oklahoma, where Mr. Rogers had been one of the grand marshals for the parade and then flipped the coin at the start of the game.  I hoped he would come out and tell each set of captains that there was no reason to fight, and that they should just get along.  

Or “The Sprouts,” as he would have said.  

Fred Rogers was as good of person as any person could be . . .

I just assumed the A.V. Club misspelled the title, because they forgot about the double dose of pimpin’.

610 years, to be exact.

This should have forced the A.V. Club to raise the warning system from “Blackwatch Plaid” to the cover of Rush’s seminal album “Moving Pictures.”

Finally, and adaption of Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman!

He’s been a guest star in The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

That’s why I always raise this point. When it was originally released, no one thought it would become the biggest movie of all times generating numerous prequels, sequels and auxiliary works. It was just Star Wars. That was enough.

Given how the prequels ended up, I can understand that, but before Empire came out, there were discussions about how his grand plan was for nine movies, and how Darth Vader had become the character that we knew after fighting with Obi Wan on the edge of a volcano and falling in.

Do not try to revive Dan Conner.  That’s impossible.  Instead . . . only try to realize the truth.

Get off my lawn, Jesse!

Not originally. “A New Hope” wasn’t added until the re-release, after Empire had been released and started the whole subtitle/Episode number thing. Star Wars was released into theaters as Star Wars, nothing else.