Lionel Hutz Esq.

In that case, you have to admit, when they went back and added all the CGI for the Special Edition of The War to End All Wars, it did make it better. Plus it was an interesting twist to see Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand shoot first.

Your criticism would carry more weight if Force Awakens had been released in 1989. Releasing it nearly 40 years later however, means I an forgive using a similar plot to reintroduce the universe and to introduce us to new characters. Plus, let’s be honest, its not like the plot of Star Wars was anything novel at the

1000 original series and a movie!

That’s your answer to everything.

I would think Deadpool would be upset if he got a grade above a “B-.”

They might not be the super hero movies the reviewers want, but they are the super hero movies the reviewers need.  

Iron Man seems to be overcompensating for something.  

As this is a comment thread to a Star Wars movie, I believe it is necessary to add the following geeky piece of pedantry:

They decided to save that for Star Wars Eleven, a Star Wars Story.  

Since Star Wars came out in 1977, Lucas always said he had invision three trilogies, with one explaining the fall of the Republic, and another showing the aftermath of the rebellion. So, if we are sticking to Lucas’ plan, Episode 9 is the end of Star Wars movies, and all others will be stand alone movies, filling in

Wasn’t that the plot to Vindicators II?

I know.  Kids today just don’t appreciate what it means to wait, and have that long wait answered with a movie about taxes and trade wars.  

No one noticed until it was too late, but by the year 2023, all movies were A Star Wars Story.  

Duet: A Solo Sequel

Assuming one can trust the interwebs, that appears to be the case. There is not a coherent movie to be made from what Lord and Miller shot. Which is a shame, as I would love to see what they could have come up with. Now I just hope that Edgar Wright gets a chance at a Star Wars Story film.  

They get paid all the bitter tears of internet trolls they can drink.

Clint Howard: From Star Trek to Star Wars, an actor’s story.  

Max Rebo blue himself.  

I thought the whole reason they brought him in to take over from Lord and Miller on Solo was to add ironic voice over.  

Technically, there are three “prequels” to Star Wars, episodes 1-3. Solo and Rogue One are “A Star Wars Story” movies that happen to be set before Star Wars. I assume we will eventually get ones that are set concurrent with Star Wars and its sequels, and in the time period between those movies and the current