Lionel Hutz Esq.

Get high, ride your bikes, and tell him you just want to show him how you enjoyed Rampage back in the ‘80s.  

Rampage was fun, it had a sense of humor, and a good game both solo or with friends. I played it both in the arcade and on my PC. It makes more sense as a movie than most of the games of that time.

So, if I get this right, there is a demon just hanging out in Tijuana waiting for college kids to come down, get drunk and horney, and play Truth or Dare? Was he or she last in demon class in Hell? I’m just sayin’ that there are a lot of better ways open to you to damn people in Tijuana.

It’s in the GOP Platform.

Simple recipe that always goes well in summer:

As we explained to my niece, there are times when a mommy and a daddy are alone where they share a bag of doritos.

Rumor has it The Lancet will prove you wrong!

It was Earth all along.  

It is interesting looking back over the lists of nominees, and realizing that the Academy, for all its problems, usually nominated a decent group of films. There are some off years, and definitely some questionable nominees, but most years they came up with a reasonable list.

The ‘79 Dracula with Frank Langella is the best Dracula movie made outside of Nosferatu. So very underappreciated.

Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One Groot each.

But excellent for a non-unionized Mexican equivalent!

Fitbit or Apple Watch so should have gotten and endorsement deal. Think how many steps!

I really don’t understand Aquaria’s complaints with Miss Cracker. If you see the yellow dresses, they are similar, but each is going for a very different effect. They have similar bodies and faces, so it would make sense that their looks are at times similar. But beyond superficial similarities, there seems to be

That was Archer putting Archer in the Bob role. I want to see Bob’s Burgers do a show with a spy story, with Bob in the Archer role.  That might be animation nirvana.  

You can’t read much into number of comments after the Kinjapocolypse. Bob’s Burgers used to get well over a hundred comments, and now gets below 50. Hell, Last Jedi had under 300 after over 48 hours on the site. Prior to the Kinjapocolypse, you would have had over 600 in the first day.

Kept wondering if that meant they had the rights issue fully figured out, or if that was short enough to be considered fair use.

Knowing their fate, the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the man who invented Coca Cola, the magician, and the other gods of our legends. Though gods they were - and also, Jane Fonda was there - the others chose to stay behind in their porches with their rifles, and in time evolved

“Say ‘chowder.’  Chowder!”

In the end, we can agree that Bob was a better coach than McGuirk?