Lionel Hutz Esq.

“The Room Where it Happens” is in Act II of Hamilton, where Burr discusses Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson reaching the compromised that allowed Hamilton’s banking system to go forward in exchange for the capital being located in Washington.

She is one of the go to female character voices.  Loved seeing her get her kinky side out in the Bed and Breakfast episode.  You can never go wrong with Melissa.  

I thought skateball was played on a pantinoire, or a plan de la mort glaciale?

I was in the same boat. As soon as I saw Brendon standing in line for the Porta-Pottie, it all clicked. I think I missed the obvious clues (the fields being laid out in the same pattern, Melissa Barden Gasky playing the goalie, etc) because, in the end, McGuirk and Bob are pretty different (Bob and Archer are much

Unexpected Aggressive Tina is always welcomed.  Reminds us of how much of a Belcher she is.  

God wasn’t truly dead until McGinley signed up for the movie. 

The producers saw how well Get Out did, and thought this would capture the same magic.  

I haven’t had a chance to watch any of these, but am I right to assume that the plot of all three is basically the same as Kill Bill I & II, that everything would be better if God just died?

I heard he gave three clean urine samples in a row!

Why didn’t someone do Bob and Doug’s Canadian Pope in the 1980s? We needed a pope with a pack of cigs in one hand, a Molson in another, and a full breakfast in front of him.

Hey Rick, it’s Alejandro speaking. Um, so we asked ourselves internally, we asked ourselves over here, “Okay, what does a pancreas do?” And the answer was, does it make pirates? No. It makes insulin, you know? So we’re starting with a new—

We don’t whitewash it either, Morty. The pirates are really rapey.

When I was five and first went to the Disneyland version, I wanted to know how they were able to get rid of the sun and get the stars to come out.

Little known fact: The wenches still accept E-Tickets if you have any.

I thought it was Chanticleer Blockers, the story of parents trying to prevent their daughters from experiencing French fairy tales.  

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like Roy Rogers! Yippee-Kai-Yay Mother Fucker!

I thought Homer started at 36, and then they bumped it up to 38. Either way, I had to go through the experience of that seeming quite old when I started, to being much older than Homer now.

I’ve been enjoying the last couple of episodes. Maybe it is in part having a consistent supply, but it is nice with everything else going on (and a fairly dark set of shows that we watch on Sunday between Ash vs. The Evil Dead and Counterparts), to know that we can slip in to Bob’s Burgers and have a warm, happy,

Agreed!  How easily we forget her wrinkly, naked presence.  

Final Space is a sci-fi comedy. Not a satire. More in lines with American Dad, which it is teamed up with on TBS. Its been interesting so far, with decent story telling and good humor.