Lionel Hutz Esq.

Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:

Thanks President Trump!

Except how do you get page views if everything rolls off the home page so quickly. The sad thing is that if you just put some of your programmers on it for a few days, you should really be possible to make everything much better.

Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:

Have you ever read Shakespeare’s Henry VI cycle? Let’s just say that hussy Joan of Arc got what she deserve.

I like that the current version of Tahani is seeing her problems now. Like when Jason asked if Janet can help with his problems, and she gives her speech, and then says “Wait, I just heard that.” Its fun seeing her becoming aware of what is wrong with her personality.

Very good point. That is one of the central conflicts faced by Milton’s Satan in Paradise Lost. However, it is possible that by being placed into a human body, Michael celestial essences has been corrupted, allowing for change. See, for instance, Wim Wenders Wings of Desire.

I love that the one guy who’s head is chopped off is saying “You got us all! Great work!”

NBC is requiring more philosophical musing in all its comedies.

Janet’s not a robot.

Maybe they will surprise us, and the final will be an all rap musical. Vikki will be down with it.

We’ve discussed that Jason was speaking in front of the other Demons. I think, from what we have seen, Viki (and her followers) is too wrapped up in herself. She really hasn’t paid attention to what is happening to the humans, as long as Michael tells her she is doing well (plus, from what we’ve seen, she has had

I’m pretty sure it was, as that is exactly how Trump needs to be feed information. One page, with bullet points and pictures.

Frog Vomit would be a great name for a punk rock band. Or a metal band if you throw in a umlaut somewhere.

I was curious about this too. In the end, I don’t think Chidi is concerned with, or thinks, that Michael’s apology is sincere or heartfelt, but appreciated that Michael had at least moved in that direction. It is always possible that Michael is playing a long con, but Chidi is willing to encourage the right

I always thought that the big giveaway (which I discounted at the time) was when Michael said of frozen yogurt “It’s such a human thing to take something good and make it worse so that you can have more of it.”

Well, they are French.

A fun episode, if not up with the best Halloween episodes. Wish we could get more Mombie Tina . . . maybe we need another three story episode where we have Tina as a zombie. Also can’t believe we didn’t get one scene of Bob talking to an inanimate object while on pain pills. Why else does he have crutches?

A week before is better than when FOX used to show “Treehouse of Horrors” the week after Halloween because of the World Series.