Lionel Hutz Esq.

Idris Elba is really not having a good year this year, is he.

The sex scene in The Edge was totally gratuitous, though.

If they are all in on it, I have no problems. Together they are amazing. KITH are up there with Monty Python and Mr. Show as one of the great sketch troupes ever. I am interested in seeing what their thoughts are on today’s world.

I’m just waiting for the Rick and Morty Happy Meals. Nothing a 12 year-old wants more than a nihilistic burger and a plumbus.

It’s the end of the season. Like with Game of Thrones a few weeks ago, there tends to be a lot of stuff to report on.

Good times. Good times.

It can be two things!

True . . . but it does mean they are “together.”

Rick would be an asshole whether or not he was smart. And, goodness knows, being smart is not a disability in and of itself. But you can’t ignore that intelligence can make things harder. I didn’t take Rick’s statement to Beth as an excuse, but an acknowledgement that being smart means you can’t hide from the

Hardly a waste of time. It would be worse to let such immature silliness stand unchallenged.

All right, you said simple twice.

My sister took me to a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ concert in 1992/93 Seattle. The Replacements opened. It was one of the best concerts I have seen (In exchange, I took her to a 10,000 Maniacs concert. I got the better of the deal).

You really can’t have enough typesetting jokes.

I really enjoyed that they took the time to honor the fans (at least the artistic ones) so well. I can’t think of any other show that has done anything quite like this. Does anyone know, did they take fan art and had their animators use it (which would mean coming up with 62 different animated sequences with

“Sorry, I have to go talk to my wife.”

Stop action is incredibly time consuming. If you notice, they only used the stop action stuff for incredibly short shots.

Linda and Hugo were engaged. That’s why Hugo hates Bob so much.

Nothing can match season one, which is one of the best first seasons that television has seen (The Good Place is up there too, with a first season where every episode, even the pilot, are essential), but season three was amazing, with none of the stumbles (even if minor) of season two. When people have problems with

Or, and just hear me out here, it is possible to be “too smart for your own good.” That being aware of things makes everything more awkward and harder. See, for instance, Idiocracy. And it is very possible for the writers to acknowledge this fact, and that it is central to Rick’s nature, without being

One of the big arcs of this season has been Beth coming to grips with being her father’s daughter. Having Beth do the season ending fourth wall break, I felt, was a nod to that, and to Rick having lost the control he thought he had at the beginning of the season.