Lionel Hutz Esq.

As a Gen-Xer, my only question is: How did James Spader not get cast in the original?

In one of the various versions, it was stated that Rachel didn’t have a set lifespan. If Deckard had the implanted memories, he would similarly also not have a set lifespan. So his existence in this movie doesn’t, in and of itself, answer the question.

Shep is the only thing that allows FOX to call itself a news organization. He is the one hour a day where you get it straight.

I first noticed Shepard Smith when he was on the ground in New Orleans covering Katrina. He was near the Superdome and the anchors back in New York were saying “But it’s not that bad, is it Shep?” and he came back with “No, it really is that bad. I’m here, it is terrible.”

I could see that, although that is about as non-contraversial as a sex dungeon could be. I would guess that “M. Night Shaym-Aliens!” or the Pilot might be good entries. The Pilot isn’t perfect, but it definitely gives you a good feel for the characters and what the series wants to do.

I’ve always used “The Lawnmower Dog,” as it seems a very good combination of what you get from the series (parodies, science fiction, social commentary), tight story telling, excellent voice acting from the entire cast and introduction to all the characters, and it doesn’t get terribly dark. If you like it, I can’t

Agreed that “Get Schwifty” is the low point of the series to date. Still a passable episode, but I would watch everything else first.

If “The Lawnmower Dog,” “Raising Gazorpazorp,” or “Meseeks and Destroy” don’t speak to you, the series is just not for you. And may God have mercy on your soul.

I think Harmon was talking from a writing perspective. They were stuck and just threw the episode together. I’m not sure that means he thinks the end product was a low point. In fact, I think he is indicating the opposite.

End of an era.

It could be two things.

Or is he????

And we saw him proposing to Morty in “Morty’s Mindblowers.” But, woowee, I can’t wait to see him return in an actual roll (note: Outside of telling us that Rick and Morty won’t return for another two years, I don’t anticipate ever seeing Mr. Poopybutthole as a real character again.

Excellent points. I always felt, from what Birdman has said and a few other clues, that Rick was put in the position where he had to separate from those he loved and cared for as the only means of protecting them. That is the crux of his pain, and explains, as you so well noted, that he is only happy when he is

Very good points. I’m not sure if Rick will ever truly accept Jerry. In many ways, he is everything he despises in the universe. But, as we have seen, he does appreciate that Jerry cares for, and is loyal to Beth. The loss of Rick’s wife/Beth’s mother, the one big point of our story that we really haven’t seen, is

And South Park. And Idiocracy. And, really, any satire or parody.

Excellent point. By the show’s time line, they are both probably Gen-Y/Digital Generation, while in real life, they are Both Gen X.

I think that the show has made clear that Rick is not a role model, and that he’s highly damaged. And we have had more than once when Morty has called him out, rightly (based upon “Morty’s Mindblowers,” Morty has often called out Rick). Summer has done so too. Part of the point of this episode was Beth rising above

The problem is that some poeopel have forgotten the difference between an anti-hero (Think Blondie in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly) and tragic hero (Think Willy Lowman in Death of a Salesman).

If only there was a network of computers of which the main purpose seems to be to share pointless speculation. Some day, man. Some day.