Lionel Hutz Esq.

Thank the gods that people who think like that seem to be incapable of being as smart as Rick Sanchez.

Very well stated. I’ve wanted a Beth episode since early one. We have had episodes revolving around all the other major characters, but Beth has always been the outlier. When the show has concentrated on her 9“A Rickle in Time,” “Big Trouble in Little Sanchez”), it has always been in the context of her relationship

If she is Goth, why is she listening to Sunny Day Real Estate?

This has been a real strong season, especially in how it has dealt with its twin themes of family and the consequences of divorce/separation. Yes, it has been dark, but there is still a core of hope in all the characters, even Rick, which keeps them from falling over the cliff into true nihilism. While the final

Thanks, but wouldn’t that mean I’ve been Cronenberged?

To me, the new Klingons didn’t look like Orcs but more like Vogons. Especially with their new noses.

A year-and-a-half? I’m betting on two.

Some very good points, although I would argue that Jerry is at least showing some self-awareness (which puts him ahead of the rest of the family in some ways). Jerry is growing, but he is Jerry.

How quickly people have forgotten Full House.

The problem is there are apparently people who miss the point and think Rick should be considered a role model be emulated. You would think his constant lack of happiness would be a guide.

A great line, although Sarah Chalke and Spencer Grammer are only, what, less than a decade apart in age.

The one Morty wanted Incest Porn to be more accepted. The Wishing Portal strikes for a second time!

She had to have chosen the clone option. From a story standpoint, why introduce it otherwise. Plus, once Beth has accepted she is her father, how could she be happy with the life she has (answer, she wasn’t happy to begin with). Plus imagine what it will be like when a totally Rickified Beth comes back to retake her

I know. And I bet you can’t wait for the backlash against To Kill a Mockingbird and The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

From what I gather, optimism is bad, and Nazis deserve a seat at the table?

I don’t know. Look what it did for Clint Eastwood’s career.

She probably wasn’t even goth. She was probably emo.

Who runs Movie-Town!?!

Should have added the Queen to the watch party.

I’m pretty sure that “Incest Porn” is porn with a theme of incest, not porn about you in particular having incest. If I search for “Lesbian Porn,” I don’t expect films of me having a sex change and then having sex with women.