Lionel Hutz Esq.

“and then the murders began”?

This time, they kill John’s goldfish.

Surely that was taken care of when Jaguar killed Concerto?

Given that Morty still has a chance to hang up the phone and doesn’t, it seems intentional, or at least something he subconsciously wants. Pair that with his sales speech (the stock is a redhead three lockers  away), and it would appear that detoxified Morty still yearns for Jessica.

Detox Rick does care about Morty. He says, as they are riding back from the spa, that he is incredibly proud of Morty. He just doesn’t have an irrational attachment to him. We have seen several times that this particular Morty is very special to this particular Rick.

Sea Cucumber!!!

I had thought about it at the time, but then forgot about it as we delved deeper into the episode. Thanks for bringing it back up. Just a shame they didn’t have Squanchy meet up with them, as the Chewbacca character, so their could be three of them at the end ceremony, but it wouldn’t have fit the rest of the

Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:

Of course, I’m now only connected with my legacy posts, and my account has forgotten all my kinja comments, but I’m OK with that. It also, after allowing my to make my additional post, forced me to make a burner Gmail account to post anything else. Such bad programming. But I’m up and back to my legacy AV Club

This may be late to help, EdKed, but I have a Kinja Burner that I linked to my Disqus account. I followed the directions, leaving my Kinja account logged in to the A.V. Club, and chose to log into my former A.V. Club legacy account. I then got popped back to the AV Club front page, saw the login screen pop up with

East Coast the Least Coast

"Dear Dan,

He said he had to get a life, not that he had suffered brain damage.

< Stands on desk >

Univision don't need no stinking Disqus.

Kinja don't surf!

I thought we had to find Kuato. He knows how to save us.

The Great Orgy of 2015 has had its effect. But you knew that already.

<all:> The Greater Good