Lionel Hutz Esq.

They say that those who survive to comment on Kinja will envy the dead that commented with Disqus.

At least it's not Facebook comments.

160,000 comments and a movie!

I have both an original A. V. Club account and a Disqus account that are basically identical. I always try to log on here through my legacy account, but sometimes it is with my Disqus account. It is so confusing. Still, I will miss my old A. V. Club legacy account.

Florida is by far the better state for the comparison, on many levels.

Who keeps saying that?


I don't want to have to wait five years for my recaps.

I love that Billy Joel song!

Without the antisemitic and homophobic comments, yes.

Boomers are those who were born post war, when the troops came back home. I always figure that the Kennedy assassination marks the separation between Boomers and Gen-X, and Reagan's election between Gen-X and Gen-Y. Post-2000 should be the millennials. There is room for argument, but generally:

Yep. Generation X is between 53 and 37 or so.

Millenials makes the most sense for those born post-2000. "The Digital Generation" would make more sense for Gen-Y, if it needs a different name, since they were the first to grow up fully immersed in the digital world.

And making sure he has a series of beards to keep his audience from figuring out his true nature.

He's a college dropout.

Amongst rich Trump supporters, yes.

"I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues"

I remember this thing. Easy is right, it was like a VCR for your radio. As if Limbaugh's audience had gainful employment.

I would go with Morty being the best. He truly wants to do good. Sometimes having to put up with all of Rick's BS drives him over the top, but he actually cares for more than himself, and is probably the only one in the family you can say that about (although I think Summer is getting a little less selfish with

Wait. Does this mean that Ballers is real?