Lionel Hutz Esq.

I'm feeling a spinoff prequel!!!

Is that why she is huffing pottery glaze?

Benefits of a classical education

Was it the same as the Schrodinger's cats from "A Rickle in Time?"

Agree. All three episodes so far have been very good to excellent, and been consistent to what the show has been since the beginning. It has grown, but stayed true to itself. Its a shame if you can't enjoy something so well made.

You never want to go full Tarantino.

I never understood all the hate against Jerry. He isn't a great person, but he has some good points. Remember the episode where Beth was trying to save the deer? As had been shown several times, for good and bad, there is a reason they are together.

Both Rick and Beth know they have problems, and have admitted as much. But both don't think anyone else is smart enough to help them, and so they ignore the attempt.

My pants?

She has just heard a lot about Rick, and realizes that is a phrase that he would appreciate, should he care to hear it.

I'm not sure Rick was outmatched, but he was called out clearly on his bull shit. He may be the smartest man in the universe, but that doesn't mean his problems are unknowable. He (and Beth), use their perceived superiority and intelligence to reject actually dealing with their problems. Dr. Wong made it clear to

Mostly John Wick

Since they were going with a John Wick parody, I at first thought Danny Trejo's character was named "Jack Wire," not "Jaguar." Am I the only one?

You do have a point.

I think that both Summer and Morty are capable of seeking their own help, and of pushing their mother into help. They are not their parents.

She has problems. Significant problems, but she has some good points too. She's just like Rick. I don't think Rick is unlikable. There is a reason that Morty and Summer are both drawn to the adventures. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have problems. Both Rick and Beth put themselves ahead of everyone else.

Beth is trying to be superior. It's how she protects herself. That was the only thing she could reach for.

Beth is Rick. She Is handling the situation just like RIck would.

But is should slow it down.

Come on. It is a well known fact that Pickles live their lives at about 100x the speed of humans, explaining how Rick's adventure took less time than the family counseling session.