Lionel Hutz Esq.

Oh, and you really should read this:

They were going to do that, but Stewart balked at the HBO-required nudity.

You have problems with non-alternative facts, don't you. I'll let other judge the links for what they are. I assume most can easily see that you put ideology ahead of reality.

President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

Perhaps that is why "45" types ""tapes"?"

Oh, they know:

It is exactly what the official White House minutes of the meeting said. But if there is a problem with the minutes, I'm sure My So-Called President will release his tapes of the meeting.

The strange thing is that this is what Hannity and FOX News has been doing for two decades. I guess having a president who actually believes this stuff has gotten people in a position where they are finally going to demand truth over bullshit?

The only shame Hannity feels is that he can't find more dead bodies to piss on to make his masters happy.

I don't know. Hannity said the only reason he was on TV was Roger Ailes. I'm not sure anyone said anything worse about Ailes than that.

With My So-Called President in power, they are stuck spending every day sounding like Kevin Bacon in the end of Animal House. Hell, I rather go around molesting women and taking a multi-million dollar buy out like O'Reilly than have to do that daily.

There's a difference. Unlike Hannity, witches don't actually hurt innocent people.

Oh, Hannity has been looking up his own ass for two decades or so now.

Its far worse than disagreeing with them. True "liberal fascism" comes out of pointing out that everything someone like Hannity says is self-serving bullshit, and that he is hurting innocent people like the Riches for no other reason than he can do it.

Worse, holding people accountable for using the dead for the political propaganda, against the wishes of the person's family, is "liberal fascism." Or pointing out that a person is spewing actual fake news, not "fake news" that is truth they don't like. If only Hitler had been so evil! That is why his conservative

Because we know that the DNC was hacked by the Russians. Something even "45" has admitted.

While we are using the dead to distract from real problems, are you in favor of investigating Hannity for killing Alan Colmes?

See bent little swastikas struggle as the lies they need to survive get blown away is the most entertaining party of each and every day.

Fucking the dead for your own betterment is what makes Hannity superior to O'Reilly.

It says everything you need to know about Hannity that, in the end, Alan Colmes proved to much for him to debate.