Lionel Hutz Esq.

Poor little swastikas. They are have such a hard time now that people are calling them on their bull. So terrible that the truth can win out over things put forward by Zombie Brietbart.

I would feel so sorry for any dog that had to fake affection for "45." Hell, his wife can't even do it.

I'm talking a dedicated channel. Even then, I would go with something more like NPR than PBS. PBS is great on long form news (See, for example, Frontline), but NPR does a better job with the news of the day.

Clearly My So-Called President had Rich killed to take the heat off of all the dealings he had with Russia. Who do you think alerted Hannity and Gingrich to this?

Given that "45" has said that he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation, I really don't understand people who argue otherwise. It would be like if Nixon had said "I am a crook."

It would be nice to have a channel simply did news. Sort of like CNN2 (Headline News) used to do. No real opinion, but a run down of national and international stories, business, sports and entertainment. Leave the opinion to the rest.

I don't know. Watching Hannity piss on some poor kid's grave out of desperate political need, or Tucker drivel out the latest pro-Russia propaganda can be a lot of fun. It's a shame though that Hannity's producers have gotten smart enough to never allow anyone intelligent on his show any more as it is fun to watch

Rachel is worth tuning into. She's intelligent and offers a good perspective on events. Chris Haynes is passable, and Brian Williams is good when their is actual news going on (like today). Greta Van Susteren, Chris Matthews and Lawrence O'Donnell are insufferable (still better than anything on FOX News other than

Gene: "Say hello to my 50/50 blend!"

Loved how ready Tina was to drop Jimmy Jr.

One if the things that has marked the season finales to this point is that they usually brought out the entire town. (See "The Oeder Games," "Glued, Where's My Bob"). This episode came close, we saw a lot of people (although Fishoeder was just there), but a lot were missing We'll see what the June episode brings,

In fairness to Linda, those really are some first-rate pickle costumes. I’d say they should just switch gears and become a pickle restaurant, but that would be encroaching on the territory of the nightclub Pickles.

And yet it ends perfectly, making the whole journey through the three seasons emotionally worth it.

Beanie never did nothing to nobody!

This is the man who, more than any other, is responsible for the paranoid, ill-educated, other-hating 30% of America that gives "45" and people like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh their power. He has left nothing good (and hopefully lasting) in this world, and the only thing he has ever done to help

I'm on an old Vista laptop and don't have much of a problem.

Your wish:

No truth to the rumors that Eddie Vedder has been seen running around yelling "There can be only one!"

Didn't he play the giant, masturbating spider?