Lionel Hutz Esq.

One for heaven. One for hell.

Exactly Kurt, sadly, wasn't a surprise. Layne wasn't a surprise. This is. Especially having just played a concert and while on tour. Chris kept himself busy and was active around Seattle. I don't think anyone saw this coming, no matter what the cause.

Someone needs to get to Eddie Vedder. He is all we have left.

FOX News is reporting that Roger Ailes is happy groping Satan's cock, which was his one goal in existence. He looks forward to being joined by his close friend Bill O'Reilly very shortly.

They never got along.

Anything with John Larroquette in it is usually worth a try.

It might all be a feint so Jost won't see it coming.

Hot sex in plate armor with the director's wife beats gritty realism any day.

His Camelot is a cheerless eyesore, a stone salt shaker on a mountain side.

Also best Merlin ever committed to screen. Sounds like he goes missing in the above.

Good point.

Given who Gene is, hot puppet sex might mess him up more.

Having a scene with Peter Stomare, Ian McShane and Cloris Leachman in it is the acting achievement we have all been waiting for but didn't know it until it happened.

They were all good, and it was perhaps Gene's best story in any of the trilogy. Louise is always good (and I adore Kristen Schaal), but I would give the nod to Tina in "The Frond Files" and "The Gayle Tales." "Butts, butts, butts. I love butts."

But that is exactly the problem. Tammy and Tina could never end up understanding each other's perspective.

It makes sense that Bob would be familiar with Caligula and not with Avenue Q. Bob's loss.

Given the long lead in with animation, I would be surprised that their was any relationship to Covenant.

It also fits the kids personalities. Louise has no problems lying, especially for a cause. Gene is happy to be creative. But Tina has a deep moral streak. In the end, she will do it because it makes her mom feel good, but she doesn't like making up stuff to deceive (not to say she isn't creative, see her erotic

Except for "Sliding Bobs," Bob falls to the back in most of these fantasy episodes. You can look at it that he is, in the kids mind, the most grounded in reality, while Linda is much more capable of being a part of their fantasies.

In Louise's, it's not just that she cast herself as Rudy's mom, she also cast her rival as the bad guy, and is victorious over her.