Lionel Hutz Esq.

Has Dowd given it a "C" yet?

Would you be interested in something in a long form Technicolor drama?


Well said. Given the constraints of live television, everyone did the best they could.

Who knows any more. Up is down, homocides at all time highs, massacres at Bowling Green.

"Everything about the media is fake. Over 5 million illegal votes for La La Land. No movie as good as my last season of Celebrity Apprentice, which won all the awards. Sad #OscarsSoFake"

The people to blame are the accountants, Price-Watterhouse. They are in charge of the envelopes.

This is what happens when 3-5 million illegal actors are allowed to vote!

Red Vibes have a great Aimee Mann song about them. Twizzlers? Nothing.

That's my problem with it too. It starts wonderfully, but the second half of the movie isn't really a musical.

The Walking Dead is slowly (too slowly) getting to that. After a bit, you adapt to the zombies. Being mindless, they aren't the hardest thing to deal with. It's what you do to rebuild society after most of it and our technology is wiped out that is really interesting.

I am really looking forward to this. My only regret is that the trailer didn't go full 70s with the narrator repeating "Get Out" after each clip.

As long as it isn't a Disney film, and you are not wearing a trench coat, you should be fine.

Servo isn't throwing me as much as TV's Frank, who's a lot cuter than I remember.

Miitchel is man of many moods … buzzed and drunk.

"Which means I have to take my allergy pills. Which is a problem, since it says not to take them with alcohol . . . and I always take them with alcohol."

Was it Mr. Business? For some reason, I thought it was one of the other cats.

Which led to the "Pickle and Roll Burger" with pickle on a Kaiser roll.

The ten seconds of blank screen is there because the Orwell Estate wouldn't allow use of that clip.