Lionel Hutz Esq.

There really needs to be an all Muppet version of Animal Farm.

The people will get more from the ideas he represented than the Prince he actually was.

The animators seem to really enjoy animating cats Any time we see Gayle's, they are beautifully drawn.

So Louren Bouchard is stealing from Dan Harmon?

I wonder if Oliver requires that for his character? Of course, in Rick and Morty it's possible there are millions of clones of the Professor. And, really, is being a Pet Agent a full time job? Clearly Schnoodle can take care of most of the office work and accounting.

Clearly not every episode can be Bob Actually, but it is the smaller episodes like this that keeps the show grounded If I have any problems with the show, it is that Louise didn't get to do much. but it is good episodes like this that make the entire show great.

And after eating the cat food, Tina and Gene wanted to sleep in the sun!

Actually it turns out to be Peter Sellers as Fu Manchu.

Hey! Billie's was so good, they totally forgot about it in season two!

Clearly, after he got shot up during Vietnam, he walked north to help the Chinese defend the wall. Would you expect anything more from our Savior?

Hollywood never gives Blue Culture a fair shake.

But the criticism of Alien Greenwashing of Mongolian culture was totally on point.

Bagdad Café, brilliant subtle comedy—no better than The Great Wall.

I've been calling the Nameless Order "Wally" for years now.

Plus there were all those Chinese factories that were moved into Mongolia.

Hate to be picky, but British Police Boxes are time machines. American phone booths are where you put your cape and tights on.

So, everyone should take from this movie that the Chinese have been pushovers for over three millennia now?

< geekfit! > CYBORG!!!! < / geekfit! >

It wasn't really meant to keep people out, period (as Trump is about to find out, walls are easy to get over). It was meant to keep horses out, so the Mongolians wouldn't be that effective of a military force.

Causing a genetic abnormality leading to reptilianism, apparently.